Seven Ways to Stay in Love Even When You Run Out of it

Couple in love

Whenever we visualise a bright future, we see ourselves surrounded by a loving supportive partner whom life without would be just meaningless. How to get there? What if my partner bugs me? What if we are a couple who just lost that spark?

Meditação: Ser ou Estar No Momento Presente?

Meditation at Sunrise

A vida vai se enriquecendo com momentos, com alegrias, com amor, com felicidade … quanto mais momentos de felicidade e de amor mais ricos somos… até descobrirmos que essa riqueza já faz parte de nós permanentemente. É a nossa natureza.

Peace In, Peace Out in Bangladesh with South Asian Youth Society

They say “you cannot find peace in Google as peace is inside”. Once we have established peace within ourselves we can spread it to our surroundings. This is the premise behind the inner peace workshop arranged by South Asian Youth Society (SAYS) on 2nd of October 2014 at the EMK Center, Dhaka. The event Peace […]

Why Meditate?

Peace of Mind

There is enough material on how and why to meditate on the internet.  So maybe, I cannot offer anything new.  But maybe, I can offer an understanding of connections between how things work.

Mindfulness: How I Started Enjoying the Present Moment

Haifa Bamehriz on the way to Mooktawan Sanctuary in Thailand

When I was little, I had a habit of eating slowly, giving the food many bites that it somehow started to irritate family members. I was the last to finish my plate. I remember being scolded for this habit a lot and wondered to myself why is it that I eat so slowly?!

Peace Revolution in Sicily

Meditation session during Lets ACT training in Sicily

Between 3rd and 11th of November Peace Revolution was in Sicily, Caltanissetta to take part in “Lets ACT” training course organized by the Italian agency under the new Erasmus Plus program. Peace Architect Manuela Puscas and Peace Agents Cristina Matei and Matt Witt took part in the activities designed to explore the idea of social entrepreneurship […]

Uma busca individual

Programa de desenvolvimento

A busca pela paz é individual. Cada um deve percorrer o seu caminho e despertar para uma vida de equilíbrio e paz. Antes de querermos mudar o mundo, porque não começarmos uma mudança interior? Pense: o que aconteceria se cada um promovesse a mudança em si mesmo? E encontrasse seu próprio equilíbrio? Vivendo a paz […]



At some point of life many of us encounter existential questions. We rush like crazy trying to find the answers right now, right here, always somewhere outside: in books, in advices, in money, work or parties. We fight to get these answers and become angry, unhappy, lost. Sometimes we even give up and go with the […]

Be Happy, Practise Gratitude!

Catch the goodness in you and in others

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle How many times have you had that feeling of never-having-enough or never-being-enough? You would expect to be naturally wired for gratitude and not something that you have to practise, right?

How to Meditate in Seven Simple Steps

Light body

Have you ever imagined meditation to be something complicated and possible only with lots of efforts? Probably Google and the cinematographic depiction of meditation postures might have had something to do with that.