How to Forgive Even When It Feels Impossible (and Why It Matters for Your Mental Health)

Learning how to forgive someone isn’t something you may have mastered at school, yet it’s an essential life skill that helps you move through challenges and past difficult people. Forgiving others is how you learn to forgive yourself and accept that people are flawed. But how do you forgive when it feels impossible? How do […]
3 Best Meditation Techniques: Finding What Works for You

Meditation isn’t a one-size-fits-all practice; it’s like a buffet offering different techniques. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of 3 BEST meditation techniques, and their benefits. Each method, such as THE BREATHING TECHNIQUE, provides a unique approach to achieving mindfulness and relaxation. Breathing technique involves observing your breath to bringing your […]
How Art Therapy Can Promote Inner Peace

The medium of art allows us to express not only our creativity but also our innermost thoughts, feelings, and emotions. As a result, this creative mode of expression has long been recognized for its therapeutic benefits and ability to help people understand and resolve their inner conflicts and distress. Through fostering greater self-awareness and insight, […]
How to Harness the Healing Power of Plants: A Guide to Gardening for Mental Health

Many people enjoy gardening and watching their efforts pay off in multitudes of fruits and flowers. Its benefits are well-documented, which is why individuals turn to it to boost their overall well-being. Caring for plants can do wonders for physical and mental health. The healing capability of gardening can help you cope with stress and […]
How meditation helped me fight insomnia and anxiety

It was when I started working in the government (after more than 5 years of working in different private companies) that I got to realize that it is not about the amount of work that made me anxious. Instead, it is my way of dealing with it. In this article, you will learn ways that […]
Letting Go: walk with a free state of mind

Many people walk around with burdens that make it hard to move freely. An airplane can’t take flight if too much luggage is on board. That’s why there are weight limitations to what we can bring. Some of us want to spread our wings but keep ourselves grounded. Our brain works the same way. We […]
If you don’t live from love, you will be a slave of fear

There are people who struggle to be themselves, to live a life with integrity and in harmony with their own being. Others struggle not to get too close to themselves, not to face their fear, painful emotions and contradictory thoughts. If we seek comfort at any price, probably we will choose to be the second […]
Into the Dark: My Soul’s Journey

This thing called soul growth is tricky. What I didn’t realize was I had to face the dark to get to the light. You have to move into the very thing you are most afraid of in order to move through it. It seems counter intuitive because who wants to do that? Think about it. […]
Reduce emotional suffering in difficult times

Disturbing emotions are easy to arise. Once it happens, it blocks our thinking and demotivates us. Yes, sometimes life is hard but we can make it more difficult by our way of thinking which increases that suffering. The pain, the negative way of thinking intensify those painful emotions, and they become worse and worse, and […]
Thoughts on humanity: we can do this together, if we are united

Since for as long as I can remember, I have been consumed with thoughts about humanity. What is it? Why is it often so terrifying yet wonderful at the same time, so incredibly sad yet absolutely joyful, so much suffering yet so much of it is thriving, and I think we could go on forever…saying […]