My Loving-Kindness Meditation
Many of the Peace Revolution guided sessions finish with a loving-kindness meditation. I feel happy and silently excited during this moment. The idea is to
Many of the Peace Revolution guided sessions finish with a loving-kindness meditation. I feel happy and silently excited during this moment. The idea is to
We are social beings and together we create the family unit, the neighbourhood, the community, and the greater country. We make the world. Just like
You say they are of another faith, Another creed, or another race, Incompatible, un-mixable
One evening in Mooktawan, we were watching a video of Peace In Peace Out (PIPO) event in Africa. Just when the screen showed a monk
Show your empathy to my frustration Calm down my playful mind Kiss your compassion over my heart Balance the peace in this seeking soul. This
They say “you cannot find peace in Google as peace is inside”. Once we have established peace within ourselves we can spread it to our