This Is Not the Headspace I want to Embrace

Back in the days, being old enough to say that, I was a Star Trek fan. As a child of the 80’s, I was quickly enamoured when I saw the Enterprise D for the first time. Watching it with my older brother Jon in our parents’ house, if I remember correctly, I was probably eating […]

Why We Don’t Listen

Communication is a process through which people exchange their thoughts, feelings and understanding through verbal and non-verbal messages. Did you know that in this process, listening is as important as speaking?  We can be more successful in communication when we are aware of the main blocks that prevent us from listening: External distractions Often it’s […]

What is life, work, and where is happiness?

What is the purpose of getting a really good job in a huge company? Why this pressure to become a CEO or to earn more than your colleague, neighbour, or an unknown person? Is this what your heart wants? What is really the truth about balancing your work and life? Nowadays we move into this […]

How to sit in meditation?

Have you experienced sitting down to meditate, but feeling that your body is anxious and you cannot take the most comfortable sitting posture? Naturally, we want our meditation to be enjoyable. Relaxation, peace of mind, release of tension, deeper understanding of ourselves and acceptance; we want to experience these benefits that meditation can give us. […]

Como a morte do trabalho pode trazer uma nova vida

Alguma vez na vida você já vivenciou a situação de trabalhar por dias, semanas, meses, ou até mesmo anos em algo que você ama, e então um dia tudo desaparece? Todo o seu trabalho se vai, não tanto por causa de você, mas sim por conta de fatores externos que acontecem e que você não […]

How to know if you are living in ignorance?

How many times do we fall into the trap of the mind and dare to judge someone or something without knowing the real truth about the person or the situation? Being aware of one’s own truth is the first step towards making fair judgements and decisions. We need to empty our mind to let go […]

Una oportunidad, un cambio de perspectiva

¿ Alguna vez te pasó que sientes que necesitas un stop? ¿ Te sueles prometer un momento para ti, para estar tranquila, pero te cuesta lograrlo?  ¿Quieres saber como puedes “parar” todos los días sin necesidad de realizar alguna actividad extraordinaria o tener que hacer todo un plan para llevarlo a cabo? Pues si tu […]

5 Essential Steps to Inner Healing You Can’t Ignore

An opening to inner healing for anyone who sees it

Inner healing is never a linear process. People who go through our training and other healing spaces often have different experiences to share regarding their healing path. Nonetheless, several people have reported similar underlying tendencies in this process that may be useful for you to know or even place your inner healing story in a […]

What makes love go and how to bring it back?

It is not an exaggeration to say that love is something everyone is after. From the day we are born, we crave it as the primary source of happiness and contentment. This deep intimate connection with another person unlocks some sort of an extra dimension within us. We suddenly and naturally become a better version […]

Can Meditation and Mindfulness Help in Your Mental Health Journey?

More and more people are becoming aware of how important it is to seek treatment for their mental health. Populations are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of different tools, like therapy and becoming less worried about what people might think of them should they choose to seek help for their mental illness. What many […]