How to Support a Loved One Through Their Cancer Journey

Seeing a loved one fight cancer can be emotionally challenging. Yet, your presence and support go a long way for them through their diagnosis and treatments. You can support a loved one battling cancer by staying in touch and listening to their concerns. It is also important to offer practical support by helping them with […]
Peace of mind is expensive

How much do you need to pay for peace of mind? Is it costly? What kind of livelihood can allow you to afford peace of mind? And more importantly, what is your indicator of peace of mind?
Even though everyone is looking for peace of mind, you may never wonder about these questions; indeed, they hide the core answers for peace of mind and, living in balance with yourself, being healthy mentally and physically. They walk together most of the time.
Life not going as you want

Life often happens the other way round — such a thing. People make plans, arrange activities, work projects, life decisions, and so on. But, nevertheless, the truth is that many of those initiatives and dispositions have a different result from what was expected. Did it happen to you too? And then, what to do? How […]
Íñigo reflexionó sobre su trabajo

Primero, en el pasado he trabajado de albañil, labores agrarias, monitor de gimnasio y Pilates, vendedor en mercados ambulantes, au pair, camarero, etc. De otra parte, he pasado más de seis años en los RRHH y la Formación/Educación, he vivido por trabajo en España, Inglaterra, e Indonesia. De hecho, por razones laborales he viajado y […]
A story – about past, present, future

Are you here and now, present? If so, that must mean that you feel at peace with your past, and also that you do not live expecting from the future, with fear. Let’s reflect on those three, what are their immediate meanings? Think about your past; what is your history? And what does it mean […]
The price of meditation

Is there a price for the practice? Normally, an entirely fair one when rightly paid. Ride’s fee This writing is not about a meditation course or a book, but the price you may pay for starting your meditation practice. No need to take this with a negative connotation. Although, if you indeed practice and keep […]
Meditation: A part of the day

Sometimes when mentioning to friends or some people that I meditate, they usually ask back: “So, basically what you do is thinking of nothing, isn’t it?”. Actually, meditation is relatively more complex than that, at least in my eyes – not literally. There are already many books on different meditation types, techniques, etc. In this […]
Business, and Life’s performance

There are great work colleagues, partners, and executives, for sure you know more than one, exemplary role models to look up to. Surely, you have also known about those top performers, leaders, or CEOs that suddenly quit after having psychological disorders and health problems. And, what about those that retired at the top, but without […]
La naturaleza de la conciencia es estar en comunión con el universo

“Todas las cosas de nuestro entorno […], tienen potencial de activar, aunque sea sutilmente, cadenas de pensamiento y reacciones que regirán nuestro comportamiento (a menos que tengamos conciencia plena al respecto)”. El cerebro está diseñado por la selección natural, esto es, lo que ve y procesa lo controla, y es controlado, para la supervivencia. A […]
Have you ever wondered about evolution?

Have you ever wondered about evolution? If after reading this, you find yourself reflecting and thinking. Good. – As science says, from the beginning of existence, evolution drove the evolving of all sentient and non-sentient beings up to nowadays, where we humans, can develop a high level of consciousness about ourselves. Furthermore, due to that, […]