Alignment Within: How Meditation Helped Me Overcome My Fear

Meditation is a true gift. A gift from yourself to your mind, body and soul. My life has improved in so many ways since I started making daily meditation a part of my life. I can truly say I have felt a shift, and I am so thankful for it. I was also recently able to […]

The problem of this attachment in meditation, by a Coach


“I don’t experience inner peace”, “I feel something is missing or that I’m not getting from meditation”, “I see nothing during the sessions”, “I don’t have any special or particular experience”, “I’ve been meditating regularly for a while and it seems that I’m not making major breakthroughs in my practice”, “I feel a little bit […]

Bloqueios na pintura intuitiva e como podemos superá-los

Na primeira parte deste artigo, comentei sobre a pintura intuitiva como uma prática pessoalmente transformadora e libertadora, que lhe permite desenvolver a atenção plena e conectar com a sua fonte criativa interior. Nesta segunda entrega, compartilharei com vocês sobre os dois bloqueios mais importantes que enfrentamos quando nos iniciamos nesta caminhada de criar arte desde […]

How to sit in meditation?

Have you experienced sitting down to meditate, but feeling that your body is anxious and you cannot take the most comfortable sitting posture? Naturally, we want our meditation to be enjoyable. Relaxation, peace of mind, release of tension, deeper understanding of ourselves and acceptance; we want to experience these benefits that meditation can give us. […]

How 8 Minute Meditation Became 2 Hours Inner Peace Time

I remember the first time I heard about meditation. It was a joke among some people making fun of those who believed in meditation and the way to inner peace. I got curious. So I started searching and looking for the answer to find out whether those meditators were really shallow, crazy hippies as some […]

Launch of Pacific Peace Network

On the occasion of International Day of Peace at 21 September 2016, a special event was organised by Peace Revolution, World Peace Initiative Foundation, Pacific Peace Network (PPN) and Aspire Network at University of South Pacific (USP) Performance space, Suva, Fiji. The United Nation General Assembly has devoted International Day of Peace for strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and […]

A personal look at Meditation

Meditation has been a subject of many research and investigations. There are many articles about meditation and its benefits. Still, there are also many things to say more about how people could consider meditation in their everyday life. This article provides a simple way to understand what meditation is and gives some of its benefits.

Meditation workshops in Kazakhstan

On October 17 and 19, World Peace Initiative Foundation organised meditation workshops in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We held workshops which covered the following topics: Stress management and Meditation, Finding happiness through inner peace, Yoga and meditation. It was the first time for World Peace Initiative to come to Kazakhstan and we are very grateful to our […]

Amani Oh! Amani – A Peace Quest From Africa – Part 3

I know, I know, I went AWOL for a while. Not to worry, I’m back! Before I proceed, let me take this moment to apologise for not accounting much for time and dates in my Amani Series. I went through a couple of days without comprehending or having a feel of time. I later managed […]