GET BRAVE: Remembering Your Courage During the Pandemic

Thoughts from a songwriter… It’s easy to feel helpless and fearful after ingesting daily news headlines. It can all take a toll on our mental well-being. Here in New York City – an epicenter of the U.S. COVID-19 crisis – essential workers are literal heroes that keep the city alive and moving. And day after […]

Why is Jackfruit Good for Your Health?

jackfruit benefits

There are many fruits which are particularly good for our health but you must wonder why the jackfruit is good for your health. The first and foremost reason is that jackfruit has vitamin C in it. It is a native tropical fruit that is large in size and typically green in color from outside, while […]

Finding Calm During Crazy Times

Finding Calm During Crazy Times

Sometimes things just don’t go to plan, and unexpected crazy situations can take over your normal day to day life. With the whole world in chaos over the current COVID-19 pandemic, it can seem difficult to find calm and stay sane.  Therefore, we have put together these helpful tips on how to stay calm and […]

LIVRO: Ideias para adiar o fim do mundo, de Ailton Krenak

Confira algumas passagens do bela fala de uma das principais lideranças indígenas brasileiras (e mundiais) Falemos de um livro delicioso sobre o apocalipse em que vivemos, sobre a separação da humanidade da natureza. Era pra gente se ver, se saber, como natureza, considerar um rio como avô, tal como é considerado o Rio Doce pelo […]

How to Ensure a Good Quality Night’s Sleep

Baby on mattress

Sleep is an essential determinant of your physical and mental well-being. If you regularly toss and turn in bed, other aspects of your life, such as work productivity will suffer. While sleep disorders might prevent you from enjoying a good night’s sleep, sometimes it occurs due to unhealthy habits and lifestyle choices.

BOOK: Ideas to postpone the end of the world, by Ailton Krenak

Check out some passages from the beautiful speech of one of the main Brazilian (and world) indigenous leaders: Let’s talk about a delight that explains the apocalypse we live in, the separation of humanity from nature. It was for us to understand ourselves as nature, to consider “a river as a grandfather”, like the Rio […]

Our relationship with food during a pandemic

Apart from social distancing, eating habits and nutrition play a crucial role in a person’s health. Making wise food choices increases your chances of staying healthy and enjoying optimal levels of energy. There has never been a better time to learn about and protect your immune system. Here’s what you can do: Pay attention to […]

Self-isolation as a spiritual retreat and making it a regular practice

The use of terminology such as ‘lockdown’ to refer to current government-controlled social distancing measures make us feel trapped in our homes, places we are supposed to love and where we should feel safe. Considering these periods of social distancing or self-isolation as spiritual retreats instead of a form of solitary confinement may be one way to help us cope with staying put. And the practice of slowing down by staying put and taking occasional breaks from the outside world and our busy lives may be worth holding on to once the crisis is over, as they reveal inner truths and new possibilities.

سبع ممارسات صحية لرفع طاقة الجسد

Breathing Exercise Teaching

في ظل الظروف الراهنة، أصبح التركيز على الممارسات الصحية ورفع مناعة الجسد من المواضيع الأكثر تداولا عبر التلفاز ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، لذلك سأقدم لكم 7 ممارسات معتمدة من خبراء الصحة دوليا للمحافظة على جسد صحي وقوي في جميع الظروف، حيث يفضل أن تكون أسلوب حياة وليس فقط ممارسات  لحظية لتكون الفائدة عظيمة. قد تكون بعض […]