Développement personnel – 8 principes de base pour une vie forte

Développement personnel

La plupart des gens ne vivent que 10% de leur potentiel. À un moment donné, à 80 ans, ils se rendent compte qu’ils auraient pu faire beaucoup plus d’eux-mêmes – mais il est alors trop tard… Si VOUS ne voulez pas gâcher votre vie de façon insensée, alors vous devriez commencer dès AUJOURD’HUI à tirer […]

Thoughts on humanity: we can do this together, if we are united

Since for as long as I can remember, I have been consumed with thoughts about humanity. What is it? Why is it often so terrifying yet wonderful at the same time, so incredibly sad yet absolutely joyful, so much suffering yet so much of it is thriving, and I think we could go on forever…saying […]

How to cope with anxiety during the pandemic?

The world is going through a sudden change which many countries did not see coming; this all because of the sudden development of the corona virus pandemic that is affecting many global economies and personal relationships. This virus which has been spreading very fast and killing our loved ones very quickly, clearly shows how many […]

4 Simple Self-Care Rituals That Go a Long Way

Self-care is one of the most important features of health and wellness, especially for people who spend their lives caring for others or have an otherwise busy schedule that leaves them little time for themselves. However, many people end up putting self-care to one side in favor of tending to other peoples’ needs. Whether it’s […]

The Health Benefits of Ginger


Ginger has long been a favorite seasoning across the world but it also has the added benefits of supporting good health and providing medicinal purposes. Native to India, China and South-East Asia, ginger was first imported into Europe by the Romans and continues to be a high-commodity to this day, with several thousand tons exported […]

Empathy, is it as simple as it sounds?

We live in a world full of judgement, criticism and personal perceptions of what other people’s actions should be. For a minute the word “empathy” is often mentioned but in practice, it’s less of a reality. Empathy in my own words constitutes of the ability to put ourselves in other people’s shoes and try to […]

How Positive Music Influences Us

Young woman in a headphones at the beach

Learn how positive music can boost your mental health and increase your happiness. Several years ago, I decided to start compiling a playlist of songs with positive messages. This playlist opened doors of communication with artists from around the world. Listening to it frequently has greatly enhanced my psychological, emotional, and spiritual health.

Meditation: your best route to peace of mind today

Buddha on a leave, Northcote, Australia

From time immemorial, meditation has been an extensive practice. It’s a practice by which a state of mind can be achieved that calms our cognitive clamoring. Thereby, it helps decrease our stress levels. It has helped people for ages. The history of meditation can be drawn back to 5000 B.C. It’s predominant prevalence was found […]

GET BRAVE: Remembering Your Courage During the Pandemic

Thoughts from a songwriter… It’s easy to feel helpless and fearful after ingesting daily news headlines. It can all take a toll on our mental well-being. Here in New York City – an epicenter of the U.S. COVID-19 crisis – essential workers are literal heroes that keep the city alive and moving. And day after […]