A inicios del año pasado pasé por unos problemas bastante difíciles que me debilitaron física y emocionalmente, me deprimí y me estresé mucho. Tenía dolores insoportables en el cuerpo, sobre todo en la espalda baja, cervicales y dolores de cabeza, que no me pasaban con ningún medicamento.
How meditation saved my life!
One year ago I was a totally different person, who was easily affected by her environment. I let myself absorb everything that was surrounding me, both the bad and the good. And I kept telling myself that it was all that makes us Human until I discovered meditation and started to meditate. I can say that it […]
Yo llevo meditando desde mediados del 2010, cuando Gaby Velarde me invitó a meditar a su casa con un grupo de amigos. Allí me enteré de Peace Revolution y, de a pocos, la meditación se convirtió en una práctica semanal ya que me permitía un espacio para mí, para relajarme, para encontrar paz.
El día estaba nublado y los ojos de Lucila Voloschin tenían un color sin nombre. Pero más indescifrable que su color era esa especie de brillo, como si una luz se le hubiese prendido desde adentro y a través de su mirada pudiera vislumbrar un reflejo.
La revolución de paz se cimienta en cada uno
Las técnicas meditativas orientales cautivan por igual tanto a científicos, neurólogos y psiquiatras; niños, jóvenes y adultos; ateos y teístas. La vista buena de la ciencia hacia la meditación que está redefiniendo el estilo de vida occidental. En argentina existe una ONG internacional que se encarga de difundir gratuitamente los conocimientos sobre meditación, organizar retiros […]
We are what we eat
“We are what we eat” is a phrase that my dad kept on repeating to me since I was a kid. I’ve always understood it as an advice to eat healthy food in order to ensure a long life free of diseases. That’s why I’ve always thought that eating mindfully was just about taking care […]
Find your meaning by breathing.
Does your life have meaning? If you are anything like me then you try to distract yourself (which is made easier with social media) whenever this question to mind. It’s easier to watch cat videos than have the ‘talk’ with ourselves. It’s similar to the performance evaluation with your boss except that it’s not compulsory […]
The Power of Letting Go!
There is a great power in letting go that most people aren’t aware of, we tend to think of it as losing because we were made to believe that our worth is measured by how much is in our pockets , closets and houses.
Mindfulness activities for children
It is far more easier to present Mindfulness to children than to adults. Do you know why? Because children live in the present moment and every day they teach us to be aware, present and focused on here and now. They remind us that our lives are happening right now and not in the past […]
Making Peace with Your Inner Self
Ever wonder what will it be like to achieve Nirvana? That is the state of being achieving true oneness within – to free yourself from desire, suffering and the sense of self. It can really be challenging as we cannot deny the fact that we live in a materialistic world.