Fulfilling Changes to Improve Your Lifestyle

What does it mean to feel fulfilled? For each person, the answer may be different. You might not find a specific “answer” at all, or it may be fleeting, changing often, or stemming from some unknown source. However, there are small adjustments you can make to your behaviour and the way you interact with the […]

Manifestaciones pacíficas

¿Cómo conseguir los objetivos que queremos a través de manifestaciones pacíficas logrando así entrenar y poner en manifiesto un tipo de activismo no violento? Mi relación con la meditación no comenzó hasta estar yo bien entrada en la década de los veinte. No obstante, cuando empecé a practicarla me di cuenta que algunas sensaciones que […]

Be The Energy You Want To Attract

There have been times throughout my life when I’ve been asked why I am always in a good mood. I usually smile and first say not to equate being hyper or energetic with being happy. Naturally it got me thinking about the good and the bad in people’s lives, which – depending on your environment […]

Treinando nosso cérebro para ser mais empático e compassivo: é possível?

Muitas vezes ouvimos que viemos ao mundo apenas para lutar por nossos próprios interesses e nossa sobrevivência individual, mas isso é verdade? Ou será possível que, como seres humanos, tenhamos como característica instintiva a compaixão que nos move a nos preocupar com os outros? Estas são questões amplamente discutidas em diversos contextos de nossa sociedade […]

Change Your Fixed Mindset to Access Your Hidden Potential Within


It’s a shame to say that the majority of people living in the modern world have a fixed mindset. By this, I mean that you, as an individual, believe that you have what you’re born with and you are who you are. Some might say that your fate has been decided and life is what it […]

The Top 5 Regrets To Avoid for a Happier Life

Have you ever wondered if there is something you could learn in this moment of your life; if there is a source of wisdom you could access by connecting with those who are your seniors that could give you some advice on how to save your time, energy and prevent you from repeating the same mistakes? […]

Comment entraîner notre cerveau pour être plus empathique et compatissant?

Nous entendons souvent dire que nous sommes venus au monde seulement pour nous battre pour nos propres intérêts et notre survie individuelle, mais, est-ce vrai? Ou, sera-t-il possible qu’en tant qu’êtres humains, nous ayons comme caractéristique instinctive la compassion qui nous pousse à nous préoccuper des autres? Celles-ci sont des questions largement discutées dans divers […]

4 Ways You Can Use Inner Peace for Sustainability

Inner Peace is the first step towards sustainabiltiy

Climate change is rapidly becoming a big problem of our time. It creates and exposes vast inequalities, and it also threatens the delicate physical conditions needed for life to flourish. For peace and harmony to thrive on Earth, we must address the impact we’re having on the only home we’ve ever known. But how? Climate […]

Why She Introduced Meditation in Her School in Kenya

She came to Kenya from India at the age of 23. Her passion to serve in Africa  was her reason for coming. She started teaching at a village school in Mombasa, Bamburi High School. Gradually, she rose up the ranks of leadership and service to establish Nairobi International Schools. The first E school in East […]

Cómo cultivar el mindfulness

Minfulness se ha convertido un término de moda de un tiempo a esta parte. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones se malinterpreta y desconoce su verdadero significado, más aún cuando se aplica en el contexto de la meditación. Hay estados mentales, sensaciones o sentimientos que en ocasiones son difíciles de describir, y que algunas lenguas han […]