On the Discipline of Love
When it’s comes to any kind of relationship, we all have something to say. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are, for sure you have some ideas on love and you share them in many different ways. With so much discussions going around this topic, a mindful, realistic and integral perspective is something that is missing.
Are We Still Social?
I am thinking, how social are we nowadays? We share a lot of things on Facebook, we connect through LinkedIn, we post on Twitter. But does all this make us social?
Quais os benefícios da meditação nas empresas?
“Muitas empresas espalham salas de meditação por suas instalações”, diz o americano Soren Gordhamer, criador de uma série de conferências que faz sucesso no Vale do Silício, região da Califórnia onde nasceram algumas das mais influentes empresas de tecnologia da atualidade, como o próprio Google.
The White Dress Code of the Peace Revolution Meditation Retreat
Once you arrive in the Mooktawan Sanctuary in Koh Yai Noi Island, in Thailand, you have to wear white clothes. Many people would ask: why wear white?
O Dress Code Branco do Retiro de Meditação
Uma vez que você chega no Santuário Moonktawan na ilha de Ko Yai Noi, na Tailândia, você deve usar roupas brancas. Muitas pessoas perguntariam: – Por que vestir branco?
You say they are of another faith, Another creed, or another race, Incompatible, un-mixable
Is Plato Riding the London Tube?
I’ve lived in London for two years. Since the very first moment I arrived, I knew I would always love this city. In the enormity of London we can find everything we could have ever imagined, and more. We can meet amazing people we would never imagine that would exist and live the most interesting […]
Partners in PIPO Crime
One evening in Mooktawan, we were watching a video of Peace In Peace Out (PIPO) event in Africa. Just when the screen showed a monk sitting on the beach, he exclaimed – “THAT could be Cox’s Bazar!” Thus was Carsten’s vision and very soon he convinced me to have the same dream – to bring […]
Peace Revolution at Geneva Peacebuilding Platform
Geneva Peacebuilding Platform (GPP) Annual Meeting “What Future for Peacebuilding? Needs, Policy, Action” took place in Geneva at the Maison de la Paix on the 21st November 2014.
Dear BLANK (My Sabai Mooktawan Poem)
Show your empathy to my frustration Calm down my playful mind Kiss your compassion over my heart Balance the peace in this seeking soul. This Sabai is not mine alone, Help me share happiness with the world My every heartbeat can generate love The dream that is not mine alone. I never cared more for […]