El problema de este apego en meditación, por una Coach


“No siento paz mental”. “Siento que me falta algo, o que no estoy obteniendo lo que debería de la meditación”. “No veo nada durante la sesión”. “No estoy experimentando algo especial o particular”. “He estado meditando regularmente por un tiempo y parece que no estoy avanzando”. “Me siento un poco estancado/estancada”. Con estos comentarios me […]

The problem of this attachment in meditation, by a Coach


“I don’t experience inner peace”, “I feel something is missing or that I’m not getting from meditation”, “I see nothing during the sessions”, “I don’t have any special or particular experience”, “I’ve been meditating regularly for a while and it seems that I’m not making major breakthroughs in my practice”, “I feel a little bit […]

Mental health care in times of peace and turmoil

A recent publication made by The Lancet demonstrates that 1 out of 5 people in conflict areas suffer from mental disorders. For many of us, this is not a surprise. It points out a very significant fact: mental health deterioration is a direct consequence of conflicts and war. Not saying that is the main cause, […]

Question or Answer: What Matters More?

Thinking process

Once a Teaching Monk* from Peace Revolution project said: In Eastern philosophy, everything is about the answer. It doesn´t matter much the question, what matters is the answer. At that very moment I thought: In Western philosophy, it is totally the opposite – think of Jaspers or Heidegger, to name a few -, what matters […]

Being A Woman: No One Told Us What Empowerment Is About

Being truly herself is the most empowering, enriching and loving experience that a woman can have (we can add “a man” here too). And at the same time, it is something that we need to learn. It may sound strange to think about “learning to be yourself” because one is supposed to be oneself all […]

Trae el amor real a tu vida, cariño

neon heart

Sobre desear el infinito mientras se experimenta lo finito. Pensamientos sobre el amor. Parte II. Escribir y hablar sobre el amor incondicional no es difícil. Lo complejo es traer ese amor magnífico, metafísico, a nuestra vida diaria, a nuestras relaciones. Eso es otra cosa. En momentos de crisis entramos en ese espacio en donde el amor no es placentero […]

A Few Questions To Help You Care For Your Mind

Inner Peace Time

Our human elements need maintenance. Meditation theory understands that we, as human beings, are composed of body and mind that relate to each other as the hardware and software do in the computer.  And we know that if we don´t pay much attention to any of those elements, illnesses arise and our decaying process speeds up. Our body needs […]

Bring The Real Love In, Baby!

Universe Woman

On desiring infinity while experiencing finitude. Thoughts on love. Part II. Talking and writing about unconditional love is not difficult. What is tricky is to bring that magnificent, metaphysical love into our daily lives, into our relationships. That´s another thing. In moments of crisis, we get into this place where love is not pleasant and […]

El Cuidado Psicológico o de la Mente

Mente en paz

Nuestros elementos humanos necesitan mantención. La teoría de la meditación entiende que nosotros, como seres humanos, estamos compuestos por cuerpo y mente que se relacionan entre sí como el software y el hardware lo hacen en la computadora. Sabemos, además, que si no le prestamos mucha atención a cualquiera de esos elementos, surgen enfermedades y […]

Aquí viene el amor otra vez… espera, ¿en serio?


Sobre desear el infinito mientras se experimenta lo finito. Pensamientos sobre el amor. Parte I.  En nuestra vida práctica amamos personas, mascotas, cosas, naturaleza, arte etc. Experimentamos este sentimiento no solo en contextos románticos sino que en muchos más – o al menos podemos estar abiertos a sentir amor de diferentes formas. Sin embarbo, el hecho […]