Peace Revolution Visits Guyana
This inevitable human growth comes with a certain turmoil: as children, we are ignorant to the outside world, we are unaware of what the working world is like, what paying bills are like and what the everyday decision making brings with it. As we advance from childhood to adulthood, we have a more precise view of […]
Pourquoi devons-nous être en paix avec nous–mêmes?
Nous sommes conditionné de façon à ce que tout ce que nous disons ou faisons a une conséquence sur notre entourage immédiat ou lointain. Etre en paix avec nous-mêmes nous permet donc de mesurer la portée de nos paroles et actions avec plus de lucidité, avant même de les exprimer. Alors, pourquoi devons-nous être en […]
Why I Love Meditation Retreats
If you are one of those people (just like me) who always seek for something else than just relaxing holidays far away from daily routine, then you should consider this kind of retreat. Not only will you enjoy cosy accommodation, beautiful surroundings and delicious healthy food, but also precious time to have a real encounter with […]
Entrenar nuestro cerebro para ser más empático y compasivo: ¿es posible?
Con frecuencia escuchamos que hemos venido al mundo sólo para luchar por nuestros propios intereses y nuestra supervivencia individual, pero, ¿será esto cierto? ¿O, será posible que como seres humanos tengamos como característica instintiva la compasión que nos mueve a preocuparnos por los demás? Estas son preguntas ampliamente discutidas en diversos contextos de nuestra sociedad […]
Les fondamentaux pour créer un espace de travail performant avec l’Intelligence Émotionnelle
Saviez-vous que seulement un tiers des employés aiment et s’investissent efficacement dans leur travail au sein d’une organisation ou une entreprise? S’il est important d’avoir une vision et de la partager avec des collaborateurs, il est aussi fondamental aujourd’hui de pouvoir amener chaque individu du système de travail à participer à la mise en œuvre de […]
KereKere, Happiness Is Simple
If someone asked you “Are you happy?”, what would you say? Is it easy or difficult to answer if you are happy? Happiness in Fiji If you lived in Fiji, there is an almost nine-times-out-of-ten chance that you would say ‘yes!’. According to WIN-Gallup, 92% of Fijians report they are happy, making Fiji one of the happiest […]
Los beneficios de la meditación en las relaciones sociales
A menudo, cuando se habla de los beneficios de la meditación, aquellos que no han meditado nunca pueden percibir que esta práctica se vende como una panacea, como el remedio para todos los males, algo demasiado bueno para ser cierto y sobre todo, con aparente aplicación a todos los aspectos de la vida. Yo misma, […]
Peacebuilder Elvis Kumar Awarded at Commonwealth Youth Forum
Elvis Kumar (25), peacebuilder from Fiji was fortunate to be one of the 5 Pacific Regional Finalists at the Commonwealth Youth Forum (CYF) hosted in London from 16th to 18th April. In the Forum, young people who are contributing to peace and security, poverty alleviation, conflict resolution and other areas were brought together for the Commonwealth Youth Awards 2018 under the theme “Towards a Common Future”. […]
Catch The Good Waves In Life
When talking about waves, the first thing that comes to my mind is the ocean. Surfers catch them one after the other and get a short but intense rush after experiencing each ride. They travel the world looking for the best waves that oceans can offer, and take a couple of minutes to enjoy that […]
5 Hacks for a Happy Life
When was the last time you observed the beauty of the tree next to your house? Or plants in your lawn with those lovely colours and incredible flowers? Or how long has it been when you watched the sunrise or sunset with a cup of tea without any stress or tension about what you need to […]