رحلتي الى الداخل

              يحدث ان يحصل لك أشياء في الحياة تكون مفصلية. وربما تصادف بعض البشر الذين يتركون اثرا في حياتك. لكن محاولة معرفة حقيقتك وسر سعادتك يكمن في معرفة الذات. يقول الحديث الشريف “من عرف نفسه فقد عرف ربه“. ومن هنا كانت مشاركتي في زمالة “هي الثانية” الإقليمية للنساء العربيات التابعة لمبادرة […]

How To Sit During Meditation?

meditation posture

Meditation posture is very important; it is the first thing that I teach when explaining meditation to the people in my workshops. What is the right way to sit when you meditate and is there a right way? Below are some tips on your posture that will make meditation pleasant and lasting. Back straight Many […]

How Meditation Helped Thai Boys Survive in the Cave

How could meditation help when you are trapped in a cave and may think you are about to die? We’ve heard the story of 12 Thai boys and their football coach who were rescued from a flooded cave in Northern Thailand after spending there almost 10 days. In order to survive, they were guided into […]

Pourquoi devons-nous être en paix avec les autres?

Il y a quelques années de cela, j’ai eu une altercation avec un ami que j’appellerai «Aris» pour l’occasion. A cette époque j’appelais cela de la «trahison» venant de sa part; mais aujourd’hui, j’appellerai cela une «épreuve» destinée à me forger. De quoi s’agit-il en réalité? Envie de connaître la suite de mon histoire? Pourquoi […]

Comment contrôler la jalousie?

La jalousie est un sentiment assez complexe à décrire et aussi difficile à contrôler. Elle est la cause de malaise sentimental, aussi bien dans les relations amoureuses que dans les relations avec les autres. Elle nous prive parfois du bonheur que nous avons longtemps cherché. La question à laquelle je réponds dans cet article est: […]

La magie de l’expérience de la méditation

La première fois que je l’ai réellement expérimenté, c’était avec l’un des Peace Architect du World Peace Initiative. A l’époque, il m’avait conviée à l’une de ses séances en groupe qui devait se tenir à Porto-Novo. J’ai essayé, j’ai découvert la méditation, une vraie magie. Je vous épargne les détails. J’en suis tombée amoureuse: pas […]

How to Overcome a Doubtful Mind?

We all have doubted of something at least once in a life. Many times we fail to establish certainty about facts, situations, theories, beliefs and other aspects. In such a state of mind, it is normal that we fail to make a decision and we are afraid to go further until the mind is cleared […]

Emotional Intelligence: a secret to happiness

One of the precious gifts a human being can have is the ability to have a strong willpower to love, care and accept situations as they come without questioning why they seem the way they are. It is something agreeable, and no doubt, our natural well-being can succumb to emotional ups and downs, showing different […]

Overcoming Frustration With A Happy Body And Mind

Body and mind are two main components of every human being. It’s actually amazing how our body interacts with our mind. Ever since I started my journey with Peace Revolution practising meditation and mindfulness on daily basis, I have come to learn how mind and body mutually influence each other. In this article, I would […]

How To Express Your Best Thoughts Out?

One of the essential components of communication is the ability to deliver your feelings and thoughts effectively. For many people, it is difficult to put ideas into words. However, to be well understood by people, it is imperative to give light to your ideas, feelings, and thoughts. They do not deserve to be hidden all the […]