What is really going on with addiction?
The first thing that comes to my mind when seeing the word addiction, is drugs. On a second glance, I associate it with alcohol, cigarettes, sex or sugar. What is really addiction all about? According to the Webster’s Dictionary, addiction is the “compulsive NEED for and USE of a habit-forming substance (heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized […]
NO To Pessimism
In my language Kirundi, we say “Ntawutanga ico adafise” which means, you cannot give what you don’t have. This is similar to how Peace Revolution project envisions peacebuilding with its PIPO (Peace In – Peace Out) concept, putting emphasis on cultivating inner peace first before spreading peace to the outer world. I have been receiving invitations to […]
Honra tu verdad y siéntete feliz
Los seres humanos llegamos al mundo con total pureza y con la verdad más sincera de quiénes somos. Llegamos como un vaso completamente vacío que a medida que nos hacemos mayores, vamos llenando con mensajes que escuchamos de nuestra mente condicionante.
دائرة النساء
عتبر دائرة النساء او ما يعرف ب Women Circle. ورشة عمل فقط للنساء حيث تأخذ كل واحدة منهم مكانها في الدائرة وتتتبع الإرشادات العامة التي تسهل المحادثة الحقيقية. ويبدأ الحديث فيتعلم المشاركون طرقًا جديدة للتحدث والاستماع إلى الآخرين. لم تقتصر مشاركتي الرائعة ب برنامج زمالة “هيا 2″ مع مؤسسة “مبادرة السلام العالمي” على ساعات التأمل بل كان هناك ورش العمل اثرت مخزوننا الحسي […]
Respiro profundo: Meditar en Tailandia
Lucila Voloschin ha viajado en tres ocasiones al sudeste asiático para estudiar con monjes budistas. Su experiencia invita a los jóvenes a conocer el Programa Peace Revolution. He tenido la maravillosa oportunidad de viajar becada tres veces a Tailandia, para asistir a un programa de Meditación y Desarrollo Personal ofrecido por monjes budistas y organizado […]
Life-changing Scholarship Opportunities in Thailand
Just like those unexpected and wonderful things that happen in life, my cousin suggested me I take a look at an article. It was entitled “The Most exotic Scholarships of the World.” She emphasized that I was probably the only person she knew who would be interested in those kind of weird things. By weird, […]
How I started my Journey to Inner peace
How does it feel to ask for something and then, somehow, in some way, it’s given to you? How does it feel when you just need it and then you have it? How does it feel when your inner voice is heard by the universe that conspires to make you accomplished? What if what you […]
Unlocking Your Business Potential
When it comes to being an entrepreneur, unlocking your true potential can help improve your business and your running of the business. However, finding your potential and reaching it can be a difficult task. It doesn’t matter if your business model sells natural products like carrageenan or manmade products like kitchen tables. If you don’t […]
El arte de perdonar: el ejemplo que Sudáfrica le dio al mundo
Durante el mes de julio de este año, específicamente el día 18, en todo el mundo se celebró el “Día Internacional Nelson Mandela” que conmemora el centenario del nacimiento de Mandela, uno de los líderes más empáticos y magnánimos de la historia moderna. Mencionar el nombre de este gran hombre Sudafricano me remete instantáneamente a […]
Punctuality and Its Effects on Our Mind
While concepts of being on time vary across cultures and nations, punctuality is regarded as a universal value whose effects remain positive regardless of where we find ourselves. Being punctual may have different meaning in many areas of the globe. In some cultures, lateness may be tolerated to some extend while in others, it is […]