Develop self-leadership in 5 steps

Self-leadership has become a forgotten trait in our society. However, leadership is an essential need for the stabilization of our world. When we go through the news, we see endless symptoms of a lack of leadership in our society. All the chaos, wars, the destabilization of West Africa and a debilitating economy in the world; […]

Медитация для здоровья во время коронавируса

медитация для здоровья

Медитация для здоровья Во время распостранения коронавируса и карантина нам особенно важно заботиться о собственном здоровье – как ментальном так и физическом. В этом вам особенно поможет медитация для здоровья. Вам необходимо лишь найти удобное тихое место, сесть поудобнее и включить запись. Медитация – гигиена ума. Упражнение по расслаблению и концентрации ума, для того, чтоб […]

How to create your own meditation retreat at home?

What if quarantine was our best opportunity for growth, healing, and self-development? A few weeks ago, when I found out about the lockdown, I told myself: “Alright, we can do this. I’m a meditation teacher, so let’s use this time wisely and focus on mental health and personal growth.” Guess what happened next? I woke […]

6 meditation lessons for a peaceful life, reflections from Amani Fellowship

I discovered meditation in 2016 thanks to the Peace Revolution Self-Development program. Since then, I have learned to really appreciate its value. Today, I wanted to share with you a few lessons learned during the AMANI 4 fellowship in Himawan Sanctuary (Thailand), that can be transferred to our everyday life: 1- A holistic approach is […]

4 Tips for Keeping a Daily Routine and Staying Motivated in Self-Isolation

Maintaining some form of a daily routine when in the house every day can be difficult, but don’t let this stop you. If you are struggling during this time, here are four tips to help you keep a daily routine and stay motivated whilst in self-isolation. 1. Exercise The best thing you can do during […]

7 Tips to focus on your Mental Health in 2020

Your mental health is as important as your physical health. Keep in mind that there is a huge correlation between the two. When one of these things is not in its optimal condition, the other one is certainly affected. So, if you are planning to improve your physical health this year, make sure that you […]

The Art of Silence – The Sound of Awakening

It’s still on my mind, the sound of the bell in Himawan sanctuary (where I joined a meditation training) around the dining room at two places: the first one – in between the dining room and rest room, the other one – in front of the dining room, the place where I loved to sit […]

Befriend isolation in the challenging times of Covid-19

“Don’t try to calm the storm. Calm yourself. The storm will pass.” ~Buddha Facts and how to turn this challenge into an opportunity The year 2020 came with a challenge of unprecedented scale: Covid-19. We are often looking outside, seeking safety on the outside: in the government, authorities, medical establishments. However, rich or developing countries […]

Finding Inner Peace Through Minimalism

The two terms minimalism and inner peace are both equally difficult to explain in their true entirety, but at the same time, the latter is an end goal of the former. Let’s try and understand the two concepts first, which will make it easier to explain the connection and how we can use minimalism to […]

Meditation and thoughts

I have coached over 2000 people determined to commit to developing themselves with the help of meditation. For someone who is new to meditation and not only, one of the most common beliefs is that when one meditates, there will be absolute freedom from thoughts. That thoughts will stop completely and often the definition of […]