5 Ways Nature Can Heal You
Have you ever felt that everything is out of order and you need some time off? Time off from work, studies, family, just some time to be on your own and enjoy. This is the moment when it’s good to spend some time in natural environment and get back to the same rhythm with the […]
How To Improve Life With Dreams and Goals
Dreams and goals are what makes life better. The relationship between dreams and goals have been the concern of many scholars for ages. Still, many people fail to make their dreams come true and stay focused on their goals. In addition, most people are running after money or funds to sustain their dreams and goals. Why […]
Want a happy life? 5 tips advice from Google’s Chief Evangelist
How do you know that you are alive? (Pause) Perhaps, it’s because you are reading this, you are breathing or you can see what is written here! Now, most people can tell you this, yet, very few can really make what they call life truly meaningful. In a recent interview […]
Peace In Peace Out Europe Tour
Peace In Peace Out Europe Tour is a number of inspiring workshops and lectures in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Latvia. The speaker is Venerable Teaching Monk John Paramai. Peace In + Peace Out = Sustainable World PeacePeace In + Peace Out = Sustainable World Peace. Agenda: BELGIUM 16/10 – Leuven – Sancta Maria High […]
How to Make Objective Decisions
We make decisions every day; some are very important, others – less so. They range from what to have for lunch or how to spend your weekend to leaving your job or having a child. It’s surprising then how little attention we pay to one of decision-making’s biggest variables: our own emotions. Consistency is the […]
Steps to Get The Most Out of Peace Revolution Self Development Program
Hey there, You probably know about the Peace Revolution’s self-development program which outlines a 42 days guide to reconnect with yourself using meditation tools. When I reflect on why one would dedicate 42 days of their time to complete a self-development program, why I did it in the first place comes to my mind. Back […]
3 Steps Towards Knowing Oneself For A Successful Life
As human beings, we like to achieve good things for ourselves and for people whom we love. Many people appreciate success through their personal properties: number of cars, luxurious house, clothes, money and even becoming a celebrity. But in the course of a lifetime, we may fail to reach the complete attainment of our projects, […]
Integrating Mindfulness meditation into daily life
Meditation is good. Actually great! Here are 76 scientifically proven benefits that you may not be aware of; not to mention the ones that you feel when you close your eyes right now and suddenly feel blissful and relaxed! It does not stop at the cushion or yoga mat in the morning or evenings! Think […]
Mindfulness Meditation right at your fingertips!
You want to meditate, yet not sure where to start? Thanks to technology, we have, now, several Apps and devices that bring you this precious practice right at your fingertips… your phone. Caption this: “We have apps that can offer you mindfulness practices, enable you to set a reminder to meditate, and actually record […]
5 Ways to Develop Your Inner Power and Strength
Everyone in the world would desire to attain success in their life. People face a lot of problems in achieving their goals. Moreover, some of the people often get confused about what they want to do in their life. Others make a plan, but fail to execute it. All these problems can be overcome by […]