Destiny’s Energy: Where Does It Guide Us?
You sometimes have to really think about how nuanced and complicated the human condition is, and how destiny guides us whether we recognize it or not. We are capable of such an amazing beauty and wonder; sadly it is in a world that does not always embrace the positive energy we all have within us. […]
How 8 Minute Meditation Became 2 Hours Inner Peace Time
I remember the first time I heard about meditation. It was a joke among some people making fun of those who believed in meditation and the way to inner peace. I got curious. So I started searching and looking for the answer to find out whether those meditators were really shallow, crazy hippies as some […]
5 lessons from day 10 of my 90 days integrity challenge
The first quarter of the year is gone! In March 2018, I realized that the first quarter of 2018 was quickly coming to an end. I thought of the resolutions I made and the progress so far and wondered what happened. “We make such huge chunks of our goals as long as they seem far out […]
How to Balance? A Passage to a Happy, Prosperous and Fulfilling Life
One of the important things in life is the ability to balance it, to maintain life activities in all its different facets and levels. So often, happiness is neutralized and swiped away. It is not because we as humans cannot be happy alone; it is because of our day to day routines and how we manage our […]
Trois techniques pour reconnaître et changer les mauvaises habitudes
Tous les Hommes ont de mauvaises habitudes. C’est quelque chose de naturel qui s’observe alors chez tout le monde. Indépendamment de nos principes et styles de vie, nous venons à être habitués à certains comportements à tel enseigne qu’ils deviennent des habitudes même s’ils ne favorisent pas notre développement socio-professionnel. Cet article aborde trois techniques […]
How Successful People Stay Calm Under Pressure
Imagine you are the pilot of an airplane. One or more of the engines have failed and you have to find a place to land. Being able to function successfully and making the right decision in such a situation could mean the difference between life and death. Neuroscience has revealed that remaining calm under high […]
Why Taking Time for Yourself and Meditation Is Not a Selfish Act?
“You can’t pour from an empty kettle” is a common saying, but one that nobody seems to live by. Increasingly, it seems that taking time out for yourself is a selfish act. Meditation is often seen as an even more selfish act because modern people don’t often understand the benefits of meditation. The ability to […]
Du paradoxe Socratique à la libération totale de sa rancœur
Platon[1], un des fervents disciples de Socrate[2], affirme que connaitre le bien veut dire faire le bien. Cette affirmation est, sans doute, écho fidèle du paradoxe Socratique quant à son enseignement éthique. Dans le domaine de l’éthique, on appelle « paradoxes socratiques » un certain nombre de points de vue défendus par Socrate et allant à l’encontre […]
5 Things That Change When You Practice Yoga
Mindfulness, self-development and mental well-being are all intricately woven together into a web that guarantees internal peace. In fact, the self-development industry is thriving with a net worth of $11 billion and is forecasted to grow by 5% annually. Each year $500 million is spent on personal development products. Likewise, mindfulness has gained traction. 8% […]
How Meditation Can Change Your Brain
You know meditation is good for you, but did you know that it actually changes the brain in positive ways? Meditation is increasingly being used to overcome addiction because addiction itself is a negative changing of the brain, a chemical addiction. If meditation can alter the brain for the positive, addiction therapy can include more […]