Creating The Perfect Healthy Vegan Diet

With vegan diets becoming more and more the healthy alternative to the meat eating mainstream, health-conscious eaters are looking at how to make meat and dairy-free products a part of their daily lives without missing out on nutritional necessities. Whether you want to lose weight or help control your blood sugar, the vegan diet has […]

التأمل والحب غير المشروط

لقدْ صارَ قلبي قابلاً كلَّ صورة ٍ فمَرْعًى لغِزْلاَنٍ وديرٌ لرُهْبانِ”وبَيْتٌ لأوثانٍ وكعبة ُ طائفٍ، وألواحُ توراة ٍ ومصحفُ قرآنِ”أدينُ بدينِ الحبِّ أنَّى توجَّهتْ رَكائِبُهُ فالحُبُّ ديني وإيمانيالقصيدة كاملة من هنا بتلك الأبيات عبّر الشاعر “ابن عربي” عن مفهوم الحب والقبول الكامل الغير محدود وهو مفهوم الحب الغير مشروط   التاريخ الغريب أنّ مفهوم الحب […]

The Gift of Breathing In and Out

Imagine your nose is blocked, and you can only breathe with your mouth! Something so unnatural, like walking on your hands! Due to the nose septoplasty surgery (where a doctor corrects deviated septum by straightening it and re-positioning it in the middle),  I spent 2 weeks breathing with my mouth only which made me realize how […]

How to develop a true friendship?

Developing friendship with other people is essential in our lives due to our own very nature. Human beings are relational beings, as everything we find in the nature. Our identity is shaped by the relationships that we establish with our world or environment, our society, other people and with something that transcends us. Therefore, we […]

How to practice meditation?

The more we meditate, the more we notice the subtle details behind our meditation practice. The way we set our body and prepare our mind; these little things become important to ensure both relaxation and concentration in our practice. Here are some basics that are good to remember for keeping up with your meditation routine. […]

عيش معانا التجربة

قبيل شهر، كنت من المشاركين في تدريب لإعداد مدربي التأمل واليقظه الذهنيه في مملكة تايلاند، وقد كان تدريبًا مختلفًا عن أي تدريب شاركت به في حياتي. ولهذا  قررت أن اكتب سلسة من المذكرات عن تلك الرحله لتعيشوا معي لحظات من أهم الدروس الحياتيه والمبادئ التي استفدت منها هناك وغيرت من حياتي الكثير أول مذكراتي ستكون […]

Harvard scholars inquire how to apply mindfulness in education curriculum

On 19th of March, nine visitors from Harvard Graduate School Of Education and Harvard Kennedy School visited World Peace Initiative Foundation (WPI) headquarters in Thailand to learn more about Thai education system, global education trends and policy recommendations. The group from Harvard were interested in how we apply mindfulness and soft skills to education curriculum. […]

What would you do if you witness an act of violence?

A few days ago, a very good friend of mine talked to me through WhatsApp and sent me a voice note crying, feeling frustrated and bad about herself, because she was a witness of an act of violence against a young woman and she didn’t do anything to help the woman.   Risk or help? […]

How to develop new skills through meditation?

Meditation is still a taboo in some cultures of the world. Even in the circle of people who meditate today, many do not yet know how meditation can actually help them. In this article, I share some of my experiences after 5 years of meditation practice while explaining how to develop new skills through meditation. […]

Les principes de la réussite et du développement personnel

La réussite est la combinaison de plusieurs actions conditionnées par des principes. C’est grâce à des principes que la plupart des grands Hommes ont pu développer des habitudes nécessaires à la réussite et au développement personnel. Quels sont donc ces principes et en quoi nous servent-ils à devenir de nouvelles personnes pour nous-mêmes et pour […]