Quién Eres Cuando Las Cosas Cambian?

Sobre mantener la cordura en tiempos de cambios. Parte I.  Aunque vivimos nuestras vidas con un grado considerable de certeza respecto a quiénes somos y los roles que cumplimos en nuestra familia y sociedad, hay momentos en los que nos sentimos ajenos a nosotros mismos. Sentimos que o nos perdimos un poco, o que nos […]

Why To Study Peace?

As a Peruvian, all my life I have heard a lot of people referring to my country as “underdeveloped”, and I have always asked myself: in what way are we “underdeveloped”? I love and appreciate my country for many reasons, such as our spirituality, our strong connection with the land, our knowledge of a large […]

Who Are You When Things Change?

On staying sane in times of change. Part I. Although we live our lives with a considerable degree of certainty regarding of who we are and the roles we play in our family and society, there are moments in which our own self seems foreign to us. We either feel that we have kind of […]

Things to Remember When Life Gets Tough

We all have experienced difficult times in life. What’s more, we as a whole overcome them. However, some show more signs of improvements than others. What is their secret? A large portion of it needs to do with the attitude. Moreover, we need to develop good mental habits to attain peaceful minds. Here are a few […]

People From Around The World Defining Peace

To celebrate the International Day of Peace, there was an event organized by Peace Revolution Cameroon with about 50 participants from 15 countries: Cameroon, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Germany, Serbia, Canada, United States, and Colombia among others. The theme of this year’s event was titled as “Together for Peace, Respect, Safety and […]

Embracing Obstacles in Meditation and Spiritual Path

What happens if we understand obstacles as an essential part of our spiritual path? Then, how to learn to forgive if nobody hurts us? How to love even the “enemy” if we did not meet it yet? How to practice acceptance if everything seems so easy in life? The ones that are in this path know that […]

Teach mindfulness and meditation alongside your regular transformation work with us!

Mindfulness meditation is increasingly becoming a powerful tool to bring awareness to the ever present peace that lies within us. Several people have gone to the East to learn these ancient tools and bring them home, to the west, and now, even African countries. Organizations and firms are beginning to recognize the salient fact that […]

How to Help Your Kids Find Inner Peace?

For many parents, it’s common to have children who experience different levels of anxiety and stress. It can often be disheartening to see your kids feel anxious or worried at such a young age. When you want to help your kids find inner peace, there are a few essential steps to take. Set the Example […]

Prenatal Yoga Pros: Do Now, Reap Later!

Pre-birth or prenatal yoga is one of the best things that you can accomplish for yourself, and in addition for your developing infant. It’s essential that you locate the right yoga practice for you, whether it is setting off to a yoga studio, finding a DVD, or building up your own practice at home. Listen to your […]

Careers and Other Opportunities That Can Enrich Your Community

community members

Any efforts you make to improve your community or respond to a recurring social problem can create a positive change in your life and the lives of those around you. There are some roles people can take on that are particularly well poised to enrich their communities. Even if you aren’t in one of these […]