What are the Benefits of Yoga for Anxiety?

Anxiety is caused by different external factors. It can be a result of stress from work and school. Your marriage or relationship can also contribute to this condition. For people who are sick and are expected to take medication, this can also be one of the side effects. Anxiety may not be considered as a […]

Low Self-Esteem: A Handicap to our Mind’s Stillness?

Self-esteem is a healthy state of mind, whereby we value the person we are and the activities that we do; we cherish and positively view ourselves as normal and capable. It confers a good self-image and allows to lead a happy life, free from self-blame and hate or feeling of anger and frustration about who […]

If happiness is contagious, then what makes you happy?

Have you heard that happiness is contagious? Well, there are a few empirically proven studies by behavioural and social scientists suggesting that happiness is not only contagious but it is also positively impacted by the people around. Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School in his study on ‘dynamic of spread […]

How The Universe Reaches Out To You

In learning and exploring philosophies like ‘new thought,’ it’s great to discover how much is already aligned with my belief system. And whether it’s personal or faith based, or just living and experiencing life and people around you; it takes a keen eye but an open heart to really listen to what the universe is […]

Know Your Passion To Lead a Happier Life

Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have. To access and manifest the best version of ourselves, we first need to look inside with honesty and apply careful and persistent effort. Learning as much as we can about our passion and mission in life is directly related to the amount […]

¿Cómo salir de tu zona de confort?

La zona de confort es un término que usa la psicología para definir un límite, espacio, territorio mental que como individuo ocupas, delimitando la zona de acción.  La zona de confort está delimitada por tus hábitos, rutina, conocimiento, actitudes y tu comportamiento. Es algo que conoces y es familiar para ti, esta es tu zona […]

The Tripple Socratic Filters To Overcome Gossiping Habit

Have you ever had the urge to gossip about your neighbour, colleague or a celebrity that you don’t even know in person? Though we often feel pleasure doing so, gossiping can lead to establishing a bad habit. Moreover, it defiles the mind with negativity that comes from jealousy, envy, waste of time and energy which […]

Developing a Bullet Proof Mind Through Cameroon Crisis

What do you do when your hometown has become a place of constant chaos? Sometimes the first thought is to run away. But running to where? We can’t control everything that happens externally but the one thing we can control is our mind. How we react to situations depends on the quality of our mind. I […]

حكايتي مع التأمل

بداية قصتي مع التأمل التأمل كلمة تحمل الكثير من المعاني لأن لكل واحد تجربته. وهذه التجربة تجعله يتبنى تعريفًا معينًا أوأن يخلق تعريفًا جديدًا.تجربتي الأولى مع التأمل كانت في ربيع 2015 عندما كنت في نيبال لدراسة اليوغا. كان المدرب يبتدئ حصص الرياضة بالتأمل. وحينها قمنا بتجربة تقنيات التخيل والابتهال والنيدرا (يوغا النوم) وفحص الجسد. دائمًا […]

How to save for that big, exciting project you have put off for years!

Save for next big project

How do you save for that big exciting project? You see something, and you really want it. In fact, you really need it; yet, you can’t afford it. At least not yet; or so you tell yourself.  Sounds familiar? How about this; “you say no to things that really matter to you” or “you window […]