What is that mountain standing between you and your goal?
I never really knew the power of perseverance until I read the story of a great hero named Dashrath Manjhi or the “Mountain Man” as he has been nicknamed. It is the story of an old man, a labourer in Gehlaur village, near Gaya in Bihar, India, who carved a 110 m long, 9.1 m […]
Do you believe in unconditional love?
Unconditional love is the kind of love we can give unlimitedly without conditions; it is the presence of loving kindness in life for life. In the first years of life, we learn that love is conditioned; used as a reward for good behaviour. Over time, we face relationships in which we doubt whether we are […]
Les 6 vérités qui changeront votre vie dès aujourd’hui
En vérité, il n’y a personne pour nous Lors d’une formation en Thaïlande, il nous a été demandé de choisir des noms différents de ce que nous avons actuellement. Des noms qui indiqueraient qui nous sommes en fonction de notre vision de ce que nous désirons pour notre vie. Chacun de nous a choisi un […]
Ser un Catalizador de Relaciones
¿Quién soy? Esta es la pregunta que ha hecho que muchos de nosotros lleguemos a donde estamos hoy. Si no somos el cuerpo y ni siquiera somos la mente, ¿quiénes somos realmente? Somos creados con un nombre, no el que nuestros padres nos dieron al nacer, sino el nombre que traemos por naturaleza. La impresión […]
How to Grow Healthy Relationships in the Garden of Life?
“How to maintain healthy relationships?” A friend of mine once asked me. Surely, it will not happen by itself. All kinds of relationships in our life need to be nurtured and taken good care of, with kindness and patience. Imagine, you are a gardener and relationships are like flowers you are growing in your garden to brighten up […]
‘I am lucky to do what I love’, says meditation trainer Gabriela Torres Rios
In January 2019, World Peace Initiative Foundation and Peace Revolution project hosted the Peace Architect Awards Ceremony to celebrate the work of more than 60 mindfulness and meditation trainers accomplished throughout the year of 2018, as well as give special awards to those who have showed outstanding efforts and results in spreading peace to their […]
سبعة مشروبات بديلة للقهوة الصباحية
صباحكم سعيد مع بداية كل صباح قبل العمل وحتى في أيام العطلات، نبحث قبل وجبة الإفطار عن مشروب القهوة السحري حتى نستطيع الاستيقاظ والانتباه أكثر. -Metabolism Rate-لا ننكر فوائد شرب القهوة في الصباح، حيث أنها تعمل على زيادة معدل الحرق بالإضافة إلى تقليل فرص الإصابة بالأورام الخبيثة مثل سرطان الكبد وسرطان الأمعاء، والعديد من الفوائد […]
Experiencing Positive Through the Negative
Like peanut butter and dark chocolate, Jersey and traffic are as common a pairing. Hardly as delicious as the former, the latter sometimes lends itself to getting one’s creative gears going. With the right song and head-space, you can easily find yourself at your destination before you know it! One song that was recently on […]
Comment développer de nouvelles compétences grâce à la méditation?
La méditation reste encore un tabou dans certaines cultures du monde. Même dans le cercle de ceux qui méditent de nos jours, beaucoup ne savent pas encore en quoi la méditation peut concrètement les aider. Dans cet article, je partage une partie de mes expériences après 5 ans de pratique de la méditation tout en […]
5 tips for a happy life
Do you ever feel completely helpless and lousy? I have good news – this happens to everyone, and this is why you can choose either to dive into this feeling or remind yourself that all feelings are ok. In this article, I will talk about happy habits. I will show you how to remind yourself: […]