How Meditation Can Change Your Brain
You know meditation is good for you, but did you know that it actually changes the brain in positive ways? Meditation is increasingly being used to overcome addiction because addiction itself is a negative changing of the brain, a chemical addiction. If meditation can alter the brain for the positive, addiction therapy can include more […]
The Key To Success Is In You
Millions of people, mostly young ones, are struggling day and night to achieve “success” in their lives. Unfortunately, given hundred people questioned about what they call success, the chance to have less than 80 different answers is very little. In such situation, there are many possibilities that the majority of those answers are somehow missing […]
6 Ways A Working Mother Can Have A Great Start To Their Day
When you are a working mother, the domestic organization becomes a daunting task. Mounds of dirty laundry, school homework, hungry kids and breakfast-to-dinner meal planning make your head spin. Anticipating hectic hours at the office makes it even worse and doesn’t do much to make for a happy start to the day. So what can […]
Being A Woman: No One Told Us What Empowerment Is About
Being truly herself is the most empowering, enriching and loving experience that a woman can have (we can add “a man” here too). And at the same time, it is something that we need to learn. It may sound strange to think about “learning to be yourself” because one is supposed to be oneself all […]
Trouver sa Passion et en faire une Profession en quatre étapes
Comment passer de la Passion à la Profession ? Bon nombre de jeunes se posent aujourd’hui cette question. J’ai aussi longtemps cherché à savoir comment faire pour être heureux tous les jours de ma vie dans le métier que j’exerce. Il m’a fallu du temps pour comprendre et savoir qu’être heureux dans son métier, c’est faire […]
Mindfully In Love Or Madly In Love, Which One Do You Pick?
As a teenager I used to believe that if I found true love and got swept off my feet falling in love, I would be the happiest. Because what would make one happier than loving and being loved, right? I think you too might have believed the same or maybe you still do. Either the way, hear […]
Comment créer et entretenir de saines relations avec les autres?
Nous avons besoin d’un climat de confiance dans nos différentes interactions. Ce climat est garanti par la qualité de nos relations avec les autres. Plus nos relations avec les autres sont saines, plus cela influence sur notre façon de voir le monde et d’agir. Comment donc créer une relation saine avec les autres? Cet article […]
The Close Connection Between Good Relationships And Health
In the busy bee schedule that most of us have these days, there is little space for familial ties and close relationships. We’d rather remain sucked in our smartphones than connect in the real world. For instance, 57% of women in the US would gladly pick their phone over intimacy with their partner. However, this […]
“Mi mamá me mima” o cómo definir la definición de amor más puro
Nunca vas a sentir el amor incondicional hasta que te conviertes en mamá, dicen por ahí… Me he inspirado en esta frase que aprendes a leer en tus primeros años de vida: “mi mamá me mima” ya que es de las primeras cosas que aprendes a leer. Has pronunciado mamá desde que tienes memoria Probablemente mamá […]
Trae el amor real a tu vida, cariño
Sobre desear el infinito mientras se experimenta lo finito. Pensamientos sobre el amor. Parte II. Escribir y hablar sobre el amor incondicional no es difícil. Lo complejo es traer ese amor magnífico, metafísico, a nuestra vida diaria, a nuestras relaciones. Eso es otra cosa. En momentos de crisis entramos en ese espacio en donde el amor no es placentero […]