Our Connections: Giving, Exchanging and Sharing

In the last post we talked about avidya (not knowledge) or ignorance, that results in virupan (distorted image of reality) about the real nature of things. What is meant by real nature of things? In simplest and crudest of forms it can be translated as, ‘we are much more than our bodies.’ Any serious practitioner of meditation, […]

Invisible Monkeys

A homeless Girl was looking for a place to stay. She knocked on the door of an old Man. “May I stay with you?” she asked. The Man looked at the girl and felt pity for her. “You may,” he said, “But with one condition.

Meditation Dissipates Fear

Meditation dissipates fear

I have many fears. Especially when it comes to myself. I’ve always been quite an insecure person and have never trusted myself enough.

Body Scan Meditation as Relaxation Technique

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of relaxation? Many of us might imagine a cosy evening in front of the TV or a Sunday afternoon reading a book. Why is relaxation important?

What I Learnt from a Cockroach

And then, as I am standing in the rain, hearing thunder and seeing lightning, I cannot believe the absurdity – a giant cockroach has kicked me out of the apartment.

Meditation and Anger Management

Meditation and Anger Management

If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape one hundred days of sorrow. Chinese Proverb When do you usually get angry? Is it when things don’t go as expected? What if you had no previous expectations? Could this be a possibility? Does getting angry change the situation in any way?

Keep Calm and Be Happy

Keep Calm and Be Happy

I have always been a very vehement person. That’s why I turn normal conversations into arguments very often. In my mind I’m not arguing, of course. Let’s say that I’m just expressing my thoughts in a very passionate way… And if I don’t have a personal opinion to state, then I enjoy contradicting people’s opinions […]

Can’t Stay Away? Try to Meditate to Cut Cravings!

When a habit is not useful, let it go!

You know it is not good for you. You promised yourself that this will be the last time. And still, there is always a next time… Addiction might sound like a harsh word. You might not even be willing to admit that you have an addictive relation to it. Still, each of us experienced this […]