To Be Happy Here and Now
New shining dress, new job promotion, vacations in Malaysia… Do you often catch yourself thinking that you need to achieve something, become someone or go somewhere to be happy? How about being happy here and now with something that you already have? Is it possible? Join us in the SEE Peace Summit in Tirana, Albania […]
Empower Your Mind in the SEE Peace Summit
Did anyone tell you that you cannot sing? Cannot paint? Cannot start a business or lead a project? Wasn’t it sometimes your own critical voice saying that you lack certain skills and competences, that your idea is insane, and that you will definitely fail? Though each of us has felt discouraged in life, it is […]
3 Traits Of Highly Mindful People – How they stand out
Mindfulness is an art more like known by all but practiced by none. Living mindfully is a continuous, on-going process and cannot be attributed to one single incident of living in the moment. A surefire way to take the first step towards living mindfully certainly does start with internalizing the feeling by simply practicing sitting […]
How to be proactive in making peace with the environment
The single most important social issue of our day is climate change. Desertification, receding glaciers, massive hurricanes, tsunamis – the list goes on. Our habitat is changing and we must adapt. The question is, how can we do it in a peaceful manner? If one spends any time at all listening to the stories of […]
Begin Your Journey of Change in Tirana, Albania
Imagine waking up with yoga, participating in workshops about health and benefits, listening to motivational talks from inspiring speakers, conversing with Thai Buddhist monks and refreshing your mind in relaxing meditation sessions. Are you excited? Join these and other activities in the SEE Peace Summit in Tirana, Albania taking place from December 15 to 18 […]
Get A Life Advice From A Thai Buddhist Monk
Do you often struggle to overcome obstacles and problems in life? Wander how to let go pain and achieve your goals? Would like to know more about the mission of your life? How about asking these questions to a Thai Buddhist monk? From December 15 to 18, the Meditation Clinic will be organized as a […]
Ask anything… Nothing is stupid, by asking anything… we are all winners Believe in yourself never give up always tell the truth, even when we are afraid. If you sad, angry…inside, tell the truth how you feel, or you can always write it down. Remember only the truth will set yu free. Never doubt your […]
Meditation Postures – How to feel comfortable during Meditation
Meditation is one of the best methods to develop Inner Peace and full control of our emotions. I have been writing about “the benefits of meditation”, an article that you could easily find in the posts of this blog.
My journey with #PIPO at the World Peace Initiative Foundation (WPI): Let’s promote PEACE!
How it started In 2015, Philippe Mensah HOUINSOU told me about Peace Revolution Project. I did not understand it very well at the time, but he continued inviting me to read about meditation and listen to self-development MP3. Later on, he was telling me about the World Peace Initiative Foundation and about controlealing my temper […]
Introducing WPI at UNOY Young Peace Builders Forum 2016
Our team member and Peace Architect Alejandra Barbé Sevilla took part in the Young Peace Builders Forum 2016 “Youth, Policy and Peace” organized by UNOY last week in The Hague, The Netherlands, where she had the chance to introduce World Peace Initiative and its project Peace Revolution to fellow UNOY members. UNOY Peacebuilders is a global network strengthening sustainable youth-driven peacebuilding. WPI […]