A Rubber Snake that Lives with Me

A Rubber Snake that Lives with Me

In my residence, there were always some birds trying to build nests. Initially we didnā€™t mind having them around. But later on, they continue to appear more and more. They started to make our windows dirty and smelly. As much as we wanted to hear them sing, we needed them to return to nature. There were plenty of trees outside but we couldnā€™t just simply yell at them and say ā€œHey, go back to the trees, will youā€? They wouldnā€™t understand.

Amani Fellowship Peace Revolution

Africa, in Building Peace We Come as One

ā€œNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has,ā€ reckons Margaret Mead. The Amani Revolution Tour is the living proof of Meadā€™s belief. Between the 28th of March and the 30th of April, young leaders from six African countries came together, united by their commitment to transforming the ideal of building sustainable world peace into a tangible reality.