A 2016 Year In Review

Dear 2016, In a few days, I will not be able to enjoy my time with you anymore. However, our time together has given me a lot of invaluable experiences. First of all, it doesn’t seem possible that I had to spend almost 8 months doing rehab exercises caused by annoying sciatica back and leg pain. […]

3 Simple Ways to be a Mindful Neighbor This Winter

It’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere. You wake up in the morning to a cold house. You hold your breath as your toes hit the frigid floor. You shuffle to your meditation cushion and wrap yourself in the warmest blanket in the house. Light a stick of incense. Shiver. It’s meditation time. A half-hour passes […]

A personal look at Meditation

Meditation has been a subject of many research and investigations. There are many articles about meditation and its benefits. Still, there are also many things to say more about how people could consider meditation in their everyday life. This article provides a simple way to understand what meditation is and gives some of its benefits.

Did you know that you can practice Yoga online for free?

Have you been thinking about regular yoga exercise but did not know where to start? We always recommend to start with the teacher first, but if in some case live classes are absolutely out of your reach (you live in on top of a hill or you work 12 hours a day), then we encourage […]

Is it possible that stress becomes a good thing?

stress, good, bad, eustress, distress

Why is Stress Good & Bad?   When you think of the word “stress,” what is your initial reaction? Many of us have mixed feelings when we think about stress, and many of us believe that we are stressed when in reality we are only experiencing a sense of too much going on at once. […]

Apply to APU Self Discovery Camp

World Peace Initiative and Peace Revolution launch the 3rd APU Self Discovery Camp, after two very successful APU camps in March and September. It is open for other university students in Asia in order for them to gain a better understanding of themselves in 7 days at Himawan meditation retreat, a beautiful retreat in the north […]

Memoirs from my Africa Peace Summit Experience

african, memoirs

Arriving Kenya at the Kenyatta University for the Africa Peace Summit (APS) as a first timer was impressive. From a cab driver who offered assistance at no cost to help me meet Tim to the warm organization of the APS team, I knew I was in for an experience of a lifetime. With the enthusiasm and […]

Why global peacebuilders should join the LATAM Peace Summit 2016


Do you know someone that is doing a heroic act of kindness and cultivating peace in the world throughout their project? Have you ever wanted to recognize the great work that person is doing in the community, but you haven’t known how? Well, the wait is over. The LATAM Peace Summit 2016 in Mexico is a […]

Apply for the 4th MENA Salam Fellowship

mena fellowship

Peace revolution is delighted to present the 4th MENA Salam Fellowship that will bring together 30 young entrepreneurs from the MENA region on a 5-day inner peace journey in Tunisia (27-31 March 2017), while living in an inspiring calm nature. Are you a young entrepreneur striving to create a better world through your impact?Join the 4th MENA […]

The chinese Bamboos- A story of patience and faith

An oldie but a goodie tale It is becoming common knowledge that Bamboos are some of the fastest-growing plants in the world, and are of enormous economic and cultural significance in some parts of the world due to their versatility such as being used for building materials, as a food source, and as a raw […]