To Build A Home Within, Chronicles of Four Farangs in Thailand
The International Volunteer Summer Program of Peace Revolution brought together four people from all over the world – Cambodia, Colombia, Sudan, and Bolivia – to live and work at PIPO House, the headquarters of World Peace Initiative Foundation, for three months. These are the chronicles of four farangs (Thai word to refer to foreigners) in […]
Comment développer une mentalité «anti-balle» pendant la crise camerounaise?
Que faites-vous lorsque votre ville natale devient un lieu en proie au chaos constant? La première pensée est de s’enfuir. Mais pour aller où? Nous ne pouvons pas contrôler tout ce qui se passe à l’extérieur, mais la seule chose que nous pouvons contrôler, c’est notre esprit (état d’âme). La façon dont nous réagissons aux […]
Is Self-Blame Safe to our Mind?
Have you ever felt ashamed of something you’ve done to the point of blaming yourself and feeling so much guilt that you tend to hate yourself? Has it ever happened to you to feel so bad on your past events that you have done, which might have brought you pain or failure and caused harm […]
Why Everyone Needs to Practice Meditation
Based on my own experience as a meditation trainer, people wonder a lot about when and why one needs to maintain meditation practice. Should that also be a misunderstanding of what meditation is all about? Possibly. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, meditation means, “engage in contemplation or reflection, or to plan or project in […]
¿Pueden los animales y árboles mostrar empatía y altruismo?
La empatía es una parte genuína de nuestra propia naturaleza. De hecho, podemos mejorar esta cualidad entrenando nuestro cerebro a través de la práctica de la meditación enfocada en la atención plena y la bondad amorosa. Pero, ¿somos los humanos los únicos seres capaces de mostrar esos trazos positivos de bondad, compasión y empatía hacia […]
Alafia II Fellowship: warm welcome, great impact
Everything that comes to an end marks in some form or another the beginning of a new. Alafia fellowship II has been an amazing, refreshing, and impactful event gathering 25 participants from 18 countries in Ivory Coast from 12th to 14th of September. In the following lines, I give an account of my experience hoping […]
Les arbres et les animaux peuvent-ils faire preuve d’empathie et d’altruisme?
L’empathie fait une partie intégrante de notre nature. En fait, nous pouvons améliorer ces qualités en entraînant notre cerveau à travers la pratique de la méditation, de la pleine conscience et la bonté aimante. Les humains sont-ils les seuls êtres capables de montrer ces traces positives de gentillesse, de compassion et d’empathie les uns envers […]
How I started to run for my life
Wanting to die is so easy. I have wanted to die almost every day of my adult life. (I guess getting into adulthood is a little more difficult for drama queens). So yes, I have tried to kill myself in many lazy ways, like smoking everything, drinking everything, eating everything, especially rubbish. Yeah, rubbish was […]
Rôle des Initiatives Individuelles dans le processus du développement
Dans la société humaine, il y a toujours un flux de nouvelles idées, de nouvelles innovations, de nouvelles manières de faire et des initiatives individuelles. Tous ces facteurs peuvent occasionner un changement radical dans la vie des gens. Ces mêmes facteurs peuvent susciter un changement dans la façon dont les gens conçoivent le monde. On […]
Beyond Happiness, Above Rainbow
I remember way back while in high school, I would get sick just from worrying. I had a harsh inner critic that challenged most of the things I did and planned to do. It was very easy for me to appreciate and admire others but seldom did I find anything I did good enough. Even […]