My Path with Peace Revolution
In January 2014 I embarked on a new chapter in my life. I now understand that we are constantly beginning and ending chapters in our lives, day-to-day, but this seemed like one very epic beginning, like the pages of my book tore out, transformed into a flock of origami cranes, and carried me in my […]
How We Emptied the Mind to Fill it With Creativity
“Empty Your Mind to Fill it With Creativity” was a project that promoted self-development through meditation, mindfulness and creative writing. It brought together 25 young people from Italy, Latvia, Slovenia, Portugal and Spain for a week-long youth exchange in the beautiful Castrelo de Miño village and Ribadavia, Galicia (Spain) from August 1 to 9, 2016.
Meditation from Barcelona city to Galician villages
New car, expensive dress or vacation in Canarias? We often think that happiness comes from outside. How about looking inside to realize that we can be happy here and now? How about meditation? In order to share the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, from September 19 to October 1 Peace Revolution Spain organizes a tour […]
Meditando desde la ciudad de Barcelona hasta los pueblecitos gallegos
¿Coche nuevo, vestido caro, vacaciones en Canarias? Habitualmente creemos que la felicidad nos la otorgan los bienes exteriores. ¿Pero y si miramos en nuestro interior y nos damos cuenta de que podemos ser felices aquí y ahora? ¿Y si meditamos? Peace Revolution España va a organizar un tour para compartir los beneficios de la meditación […]
Spreading peace in Rototom
Our peace architects Alejandra Barbé Sevilla and Agnija Kazuša, together with the Peace Coach Ana Blanco, took part in the 23rd edition of Rototom Sunsplash Festival, that involved 250.000 people from more than 80 countries. The Rototom association was born in 1991. Since then, the entity has managed hundreds of concerts, built a culture centre, organized marches for peace, […]
Meditando en mitad de una vorágine de desenfreno
¿Quién siente que tiene demasiado tiempo libre? ¿O que al día le sobran horas que no sabemos cómo rellenar? No son estas sensaciones habituales para nadie ¿verdad? Y es totalmente comprensible, no hay más que repasar de memoria todo lo que hacemos al día para darnos cuenta de que no es tiempo precisamente lo que […]
The Partner Fellowship in Latin America is coming soon!
WPI under the Peace Revolution project has promoted many fellowships for young people. For the second time WPI is inviting our partners to this fellowship specially made for them. The retreat will take place in Mexico from November 30th until December 4th in Casa Azul in Tepoztlan, a charming village near Mexico City. Every […]
Master your mind and faster the success in your life
Having a balance life is what I am always searching for…After getting my master degree following 4 years of study in China, I was full of energy, big dreams, ambitious plans and high expectations about the life I had ahead of me. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out as I had expected (not that happy); after […]
Amani Oh! Amani – A Peace Quest From Africa – Part 3
I know, I know, I went AWOL for a while. Not to worry, I’m back! Before I proceed, let me take this moment to apologise for not accounting much for time and dates in my Amani Series. I went through a couple of days without comprehending or having a feel of time. I later managed […]
Close all the tabs! Now!
Simple as it is, how easy is it for you to close all the tabs on your browser? Do you normally open ten articles to read later, and five more tabs relevant to work that you are not using? Welcome to the club of stressed time wasters who try to position themselves as workaholics.