Born the 4th August 1992 in cameroon as a french Speaking cameroonian ,at the age of 10 decided to go for english studies where i learned English.A passionate of languages since 2010 have been a translator in both English and french in conferences, christian missions and offices . In 2008 the consuming desire of writing pushed me firstly into music composition and later into story writing then into motivation papers in 2015.My greatest desire is mankind's well being wch lead me to be part of LOAF Africa( love one another foundation) where i served as the vice president giving out the necessity of life and above all love.With the discovery of Peace Revolution in 2017 took me to another level of responsability and understanding of life and gave me the opportunity to organize some meetings to Enlighten people on inner peace and self development.
Born the 4th August 1992 in cameroon as a french Speaking cameroonian ,at the age of 10 decided to go for english studies where i learned English.A passionate of languages since 2010 have been a translator in both English and french in conferences, christian missions and offices . In 2008 the consuming desire of writing pushed me firstly into music composition and later into story writing then into motivation papers in 2015.My greatest desire is mankind's well being wch lead me to be part of LOAF Africa( love one another foundation) where i served as the vice president giving out the necessity of life and above all love.With the discovery of Peace Revolution in 2017 took me to another level of responsability and understanding of life and gave me the opportunity to organize some meetings to Enlighten people on inner peace and self development.