عشرة طرق للإيجابية في بيئة العمل
صباح الخير عليكم جميعًا، ونتمنى لكم يوم عمل جديد مليء بالإيجابية! قد لا تتفقوا معنا في هذا، ولكن يعتبر مكان العمل هو أكثر الأماكن التي نقضي بها الوقت بعد المنزل، حيث نقضي في المتوسط حوالي 8 ساعات في العمل وأحيانًا أكثر من ذلك لذلك، لابد وأن نشعر بالإيجابية في بيئة العمل حتى نستطيع أن تصبح […]
How To Unhook Your Mind?
Have you been thinking about one specific thought, then you ended up thinking about dozens of stuff and thoughts? It could be memories, ideas or fear about the future. Did you feel that your mind is lost, and you lack concentration? Once the mind is full of distractions, the impurities of the mind start affecting […]
How to manage your panic attacks?
Trying to hide from difficult moments in life often creates tension in the mind and body. Depending on the individual, it can mean different things, from going through stressful moments to social withdrawal and feeling vulnerable. Moreover, a person I was coaching on Peace Revolution self-development program shared having experienced even panic attacks, this making […]
How Universal Laws affect you
Our universe is a perfect system ruled by Universal Laws that we live by every day. Even if you don’t believe in them, it doesn’t mean that they will not affect you, so I would like to share a bit about them based on my own experiences and observations about life. From Newton to the […]
The Cruciality of Mindfulness
If you’re active in mental health spaces, it’s likely that you’ve heard of the term “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is a great skill for anyone to learn if they’re looking to improve their mental health, reduce their stress levels, and increase their sense of clarity. It’s often taught as a skill in therapeutic settings such as individual […]
How to sit in meditation?
Have you experienced sitting down to meditate, but feeling that your body is anxious and you cannot take the most comfortable sitting posture? Naturally, we want our meditation to be enjoyable. Relaxation, peace of mind, release of tension, deeper understanding of ourselves and acceptance; we want to experience these benefits that meditation can give us. […]
What makes love go and how to bring it back?
It is not an exaggeration to say that love is something everyone is after. From the day we are born, we crave it as the primary source of happiness and contentment. This deep intimate connection with another person unlocks some sort of an extra dimension within us. We suddenly and naturally become a better version […]
Can Meditation and Mindfulness Help in Your Mental Health Journey?
More and more people are becoming aware of how important it is to seek treatment for their mental health. Populations are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of different tools, like therapy and becoming less worried about what people might think of them should they choose to seek help for their mental illness. What many […]
The importance of mastering our attention
Ask yourself for a moment: What is the usual focus of your attention? Are you able to direct your attention towards whatever you want? How many times in a day are you looking for distractions and avoid being in the present moment? Do you feel that you are spending more energy in trying to change […]
Intuitive painting as a way to connect with your Inner Self
I have always liked to paint. I remember picking up paintbrushes for the first time and painting on a blank canvas when I was only 11 years old. While I never studied art or did a course of painting (I studied biology), painting was always a passion that I returned to, whenever I needed to […]