Young woman in a headphones at the beach

How Positive Music Influences Us

Learn how positive music can boost your mental health and increase your happiness. Several years ago, I decided to start compiling a playlist of songs with positive messages. This playlist opened doors of communication with artists from around the world. Listening to it frequently has greatly enhanced my psychological, emotional, and spiritual health.
Baby on mattress

How to Ensure a Good Quality Night’s Sleep

Sleep is an essential determinant of your physical and mental well-being. If you regularly toss and turn in bed, other aspects of your life, such as work productivity will suffer. While sleep disorders might prevent you from enjoying a good night's sleep, sometimes it occurs due to unhealthy habits and lifestyle choices.
медитация для здоровья

Медитация для здоровья во время коронавируса

Медитация для здоровья Во время распостранения коронавируса и карантина нам особенно важно заботиться о собственном здоровье - как ментальном так и физическом. В этом вам особенно поможет медитация для здоровья.…