Peace Revolution Meditation Tour “Peace In Peace Out” in Latvia
From cultural centres to medieval castles, from remote villages to vibrant cities, Peace Revolution for the first time will stop in Latvia to spread the mission of PIPO through a meditation tour Peace In Peace Out (Miers Tevī, Miers Apkārt) organized from December 1 to 11 with the Teaching Monk Luang Phi John Paramai from […]
Meditation workshops in Tajikistan
From September 28 to October 7, World Peace Initiative held a series of meditation workshops in Tajikistan. The workshops covered different topics such as Stress Management and meditation, Finding happiness through inner peace, Meditation and self discovery. There were 9 workshops in three cities (Dushanbe, Khorog and Khujand) attended by around 350 people. Workshop coordinator and […]
To Be Happy Here and Now
New shining dress, new job promotion, vacations in Malaysia… Do you often catch yourself thinking that you need to achieve something, become someone or go somewhere to be happy? How about being happy here and now with something that you already have? Is it possible? Join us in the SEE Peace Summit in Tirana, Albania […]
3 Traits Of Highly Mindful People – How they stand out
Mindfulness is an art more like known by all but practiced by none. Living mindfully is a continuous, on-going process and cannot be attributed to one single incident of living in the moment. A surefire way to take the first step towards living mindfully certainly does start with internalizing the feeling by simply practicing sitting […]
My journey with #PIPO at the World Peace Initiative Foundation (WPI): Let’s promote PEACE!
How it started In 2015, Philippe Mensah HOUINSOU told me about Peace Revolution Project. I did not understand it very well at the time, but he continued inviting me to read about meditation and listen to self-development MP3. Later on, he was telling me about the World Peace Initiative Foundation and about controlealing my temper […]
Unexpected and Remarkable Discovery On the Journey to Peace
I remember the day when I have heard about Peace Revolution. It was in one of the peace camps where my friend told me about it. It was such an exciting moment as I have found the space where I could combine two big parts of my life – social and inner development. Whenever I started […]
L’art et la méditation m’ont fait renaître
Loin de ma zone de confort, loin de ma petite vie et de mon quotidien, et pour la première fois depuis si longtemps.., je me suis sentie vivante !
How We Emptied the Mind to Fill it With Creativity
“Empty Your Mind to Fill it With Creativity” was a project that promoted self-development through meditation, mindfulness and creative writing. It brought together 25 young people from Italy, Latvia, Slovenia, Portugal and Spain for a week-long youth exchange in the beautiful Castrelo de Miño village and Ribadavia, Galicia (Spain) from August 1 to 9, 2016.
Spreading peace in Rototom
Our peace architects Alejandra Barbé Sevilla and Agnija Kazuša, together with the Peace Coach Ana Blanco, took part in the 23rd edition of Rototom Sunsplash Festival, that involved 250.000 people from more than 80 countries. The Rototom association was born in 1991. Since then, the entity has managed hundreds of concerts, built a culture centre, organized marches for peace, […]
Master your mind and faster the success in your life
Having a balance life is what I am always searching for…After getting my master degree following 4 years of study in China, I was full of energy, big dreams, ambitious plans and high expectations about the life I had ahead of me. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out as I had expected (not that happy); after […]