How Mindfulness Can Irreversibly Change Your Life
So what is mindfulness? Everybody uses this term, but do we really know what it means? A mindful person is someone who lives in the present while calmly accepting their feelings and thoughts, and uses them as a therapeutic technique. Living in a state of mindfulness is not something you can achieve overnight. It’s not […]
رحلة معرفة للذات
بدأت رحلتي مع التأمل عندما أيقنت بأنني أعاني من اكتئاب حاد، وبعد محاولتي لفعل كل شيءٍ للخروج من تلك الحالة! كنت قد قرأت قبلها الكثير عن هذا الأسلوب للعلاج روحانيًا ولم أؤمن تمامًا بأنه سيكون حلًا سحريًا لما كنت عليه. كان هذا في العام ٢٠١٥ وتحديدًا، عندما قررت أن أتقدم لمنحةِ التأمل والفنون المقدمة من […]
Спроси у тренера о медитации – Чолпон из Кыргызстана
Чолпон из Кыргызстана начала медитировать с нами онлайн в 2014 году, после чего ее пригласили на первую Bridge fellowship в Грузии. Позже Чолпон приехала в Таиланд на двухнедельный тренинг, который изменил её очень сильно и она уже не могла не вернуться в Таиланд. С июня 2016 года Чолпон живет в Таиланде, где регулярно медитирует с […]
How Nature Can Inspire Some Habits
I have been observing the curious life of meditators for a certain number of years. From the journals of people who are writing their daily thoughts and experiences, I have come to notice that we often feel motivated to pay attention to the patterns arising in the mind, the quality of our inner talk and […]
Nunca Conociste Forma más Curiosa de Adquirir Hábitos Saludables
A lo largo de nuestra vida vamos estableciendo hábitos casi de forma inconsciente, mediante la repetición de acciones. Los hay positivos y negativos, y generalmente sabemos diferenciar muy bien entre ellos. Sin embargo, fallamos en lograr establecer buenas costumbres y seguirlas, al mismo tiempo que parecemos encasillarnos demasiado fácilmente en perpetuar aquellas que son negativas. […]
Morning Rituals To Start Your Day
Have you ever felt anxious in the morning? Have you woken up in a rush, and started hurrying from the very first minute of the day? How about changing your morning habits to allow yourself enjoy the mornings and feel grounded for the day to come? Welcome to morning rituals!
Prenatal Yoga Pros: Do Now, Reap Later!
Pre-birth or prenatal yoga is one of the best things that you can accomplish for yourself, and in addition for your developing infant. It’s essential that you locate the right yoga practice for you, whether it is setting off to a yoga studio, finding a DVD, or building up your own practice at home. Listen to your […]
Careers and Other Opportunities That Can Enrich Your Community
Any efforts you make to improve your community or respond to a recurring social problem can create a positive change in your life and the lives of those around you. There are some roles people can take on that are particularly well poised to enrich their communities. Even if you aren’t in one of these […]
5 Ways Nature Can Heal You
Have you ever felt that everything is out of order and you need some time off? Time off from work, studies, family, just some time to be on your own and enjoy. This is the moment when it’s good to spend some time in natural environment and get back to the same rhythm with the […]
How To Improve Life With Dreams and Goals
Dreams and goals are what makes life better. The relationship between dreams and goals have been the concern of many scholars for ages. Still, many people fail to make their dreams come true and stay focused on their goals. In addition, most people are running after money or funds to sustain their dreams and goals. Why […]