How to practice meditation?

The more we meditate, the more we notice the subtle details behind our meditation practice. The way we set our body and prepare our mind; these little things become important to ensure both relaxation and concentration in our practice. Here are some basics that are good to remember for keeping up with your meditation routine. […]

عيش معانا التجربة

قبيل شهر، كنت من المشاركين في تدريب لإعداد مدربي التأمل واليقظه الذهنيه في مملكة تايلاند، وقد كان تدريبًا مختلفًا عن أي تدريب شاركت به في حياتي. ولهذا  قررت أن اكتب سلسة من المذكرات عن تلك الرحله لتعيشوا معي لحظات من أهم الدروس الحياتيه والمبادئ التي استفدت منها هناك وغيرت من حياتي الكثير أول مذكراتي ستكون […]

Harvard scholars inquire how to apply mindfulness in education curriculum

On 19th of March, nine visitors from Harvard Graduate School Of Education and Harvard Kennedy School visited World Peace Initiative Foundation (WPI) headquarters in Thailand to learn more about Thai education system, global education trends and policy recommendations. The group from Harvard were interested in how we apply mindfulness and soft skills to education curriculum. […]

How to develop new skills through meditation?

Meditation is still a taboo in some cultures of the world. Even in the circle of people who meditate today, many do not yet know how meditation can actually help them. In this article, I share some of my experiences after 5 years of meditation practice while explaining how to develop new skills through meditation. […]

Do you believe in unconditional love?

Unconditional love is the kind of love we can give unlimitedly without conditions; it is the presence of loving kindness in life for life. In the first years of life, we learn that love is conditioned; used as a reward for good behaviour. Over time, we face relationships in which we doubt whether we are […]

Experiencing Positive Through the Negative

Like peanut butter and dark chocolate, Jersey and traffic are as common a pairing. Hardly as delicious as the former, the latter sometimes lends itself to getting one’s creative gears going. With the right song and head-space, you can easily find yourself at your destination before you know it! One song that was recently on […]

5 tips for a happy life

Do you ever feel completely helpless and lousy? I have good news – this happens to everyone, and this is why you can choose either to dive into this feeling or remind yourself that all feelings are ok. In this article, I will talk about happy habits. I will show you how to remind yourself: […]

How Does Priority Setting Help The Mind?

Success is something we all are moving to. We all want to get to our project destination; a successful end of what we do. Regardless the size of what we manage, our daily happenings and responsibilities, we set goals to attain a successful completion of our project. In this process, priority setting cuts across all […]

How to practice patience when facing negative emotions?

I like to define patience as peace + science, or in other words, the science of peace. Patience is the ability to overcome challenges without reacting with anger. You can show patience with a good attitude in front of life difficulties. Being patient is also the comprehension of life facts without forcing anything or anyone, […]