Blockages in intuitive painting and how to overcome them?

In the first part of this article, I shared about the practice of intuitive painting as a personally transformative and liberating way to develop mindfulness and connect with your inner creative source. In this second part, I will share with you two of the most common blockages that we face when we start intuitive painting […]

عشرة طرق للإيجابية في بيئة العمل

صباح الخير عليكم جميعًا، ونتمنى لكم يوم عمل جديد مليء بالإيجابية! قد لا تتفقوا معنا في هذا، ولكن يعتبر مكان العمل هو أكثر الأماكن التي نقضي بها الوقت بعد المنزل، حيث نقضي في المتوسط حوالي 8 ساعات في العمل وأحيانًا أكثر من ذلك لذلك، لابد وأن نشعر بالإيجابية في بيئة العمل حتى نستطيع أن تصبح […]

The Cruciality of Mindfulness

If you’re active in mental health spaces, it’s likely that you’ve heard of the term “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is a great skill for anyone to learn if they’re looking to improve their mental health, reduce their stress levels, and increase their sense of clarity. It’s often taught as a skill in therapeutic settings such as individual […]

How to stop checking your phone and build focus?

According a study, an average person checks their phone over 150 times a day. Have you thought about how this habit of constantly spending time on digital devices costs your fortune and keeps you away from success? Anyone who ever made it into the hall of fame spent great chunks of time away from distractions, […]

Can Meditation and Mindfulness Help in Your Mental Health Journey?

More and more people are becoming aware of how important it is to seek treatment for their mental health. Populations are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of different tools, like therapy and becoming less worried about what people might think of them should they choose to seek help for their mental illness. What many […]

La pintura intuitiva como una forma de conectar con el Ser Interior

¿Alguna vez has oído hablar de la pintura intuitiva? En este artículo, hablaré sobre esta práctica transformadora y libertadora, accesible a cualquiera que desee desarrollar la atención plena y conectarse con su fuente creativa interna. Siempre me ha gustado pintar. Recuerdo haber recogido pinceles por primera vez y haber pintado sobre un lienzo en blanco […]

The importance of mastering our attention

Ask yourself for a moment: What is the usual focus of your attention? Are you able to direct your attention towards whatever you want? How many times in a day are you looking for distractions and avoid being in the present moment? Do you feel that you are spending more energy in trying to change […]

Intuitive painting as a way to connect with your Inner Self

I have always liked to paint. I remember picking up paintbrushes for the first time and painting on a blank canvas when I was only 11 years old. While I never studied art or did a course of painting (I studied biology), painting was always a passion that I returned to, whenever I needed to […]

Should happiness be searched or can we start shining today?

The search for happiness becomes often sought question these days. Even though we may slowly drift away from material things as a source of happiness and direct the search inwards, we still tend to think of searching as an active process, where we involve our energy and efforts and have an aim to find something. […]

A pintura intuitiva como caminho para a conexão com o Ser – PARTE 1

Sempre gostei de pintar. Lembro de pegar pela primeira vez nos pinceis e pintar numa tela em branco quando tinha apenas 11 anos. Se bem nunca estudei arte ou fiz um curso de pintura (eu estudei biologia), pintar sempre foi uma paixão à qual voltei sempre que precisei me expressar ou acalmar emocionalmente. Em algum […]