The reset button we all need: an experience from Alafia fellowship

On the morning of 11th September 2019, I packed my suitcases to begin the experience of a lifetime. Having completed the online 42-day inner peace time (IPT) journey on Peace Revolution platform, I was given the opportunity to participate in Alafia Youth Empowerment fellowship in Ivory Coast (Côte d’ivoire), which was based on achieving peace […]

Care what other people think and you will always be a prisoner

Nothing can be more time and energy-wasting than being overly concerned about what other people think of us, a self-created prison where everyone can go in, or be liberated from it. There is nothing wrong in wanting others to like us or to think well of us, but it should not be done at the […]

How to embrace your fears?

Most of us come to the point in our lives when we need to face our fears.  Even though some may not feel comfortable with that, it is actually a good thing, TO FEAR. Why? Because it is an indication that there is something greater or bigger than us. No matter how overwhelming it may […]

عشرة طرق للإيجابية في بيئة العمل

صباح الخير عليكم جميعًا، ونتمنى لكم يوم عمل جديد مليء بالإيجابية! قد لا تتفقوا معنا في هذا، ولكن يعتبر مكان العمل هو أكثر الأماكن التي نقضي بها الوقت بعد المنزل، حيث نقضي في المتوسط حوالي 8 ساعات في العمل وأحيانًا أكثر من ذلك لذلك، لابد وأن نشعر بالإيجابية في بيئة العمل حتى نستطيع أن تصبح […]

How To Unhook Your Mind?

Have you been thinking about one specific thought, then you ended up thinking about dozens of stuff and thoughts? It could be memories, ideas or fear about the future. Did you feel that your mind is lost, and you lack concentration? Once the mind is full of distractions, the impurities of the mind start affecting […]

How to prevent the past from determining your future?

Do you see the future as the big unknown, as something you can’t predict? The future is not 100% predictable. Yet, by deepening our understanding and looking through the lens of our conscious mind we can actively prevent the past to determine our future. From emotional experiences to personality Our brain is a record of […]

The Cruciality of Mindfulness

If you’re active in mental health spaces, it’s likely that you’ve heard of the term “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is a great skill for anyone to learn if they’re looking to improve their mental health, reduce their stress levels, and increase their sense of clarity. It’s often taught as a skill in therapeutic settings such as individual […]

How to stop checking your phone and build focus?

According a study, an average person checks their phone over 150 times a day. Have you thought about how this habit of constantly spending time on digital devices costs your fortune and keeps you away from success? Anyone who ever made it into the hall of fame spent great chunks of time away from distractions, […]

The importance of mastering our attention

Ask yourself for a moment: What is the usual focus of your attention? Are you able to direct your attention towards whatever you want? How many times in a day are you looking for distractions and avoid being in the present moment? Do you feel that you are spending more energy in trying to change […]

Life on the Road: reflections on unconventional travel

This post was first published on Adventures of Mike in 2018. “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emerson’s Essays I begin with these words from Emerson because they capture one of the great paradoxes and contradictions of travel […]