How meditation helped me fight insomnia and anxiety

It was when I started working in the government (after more than 5 years of working in different private companies) that I got to realize that it is not about the amount of work that made me anxious. Instead, it is my way of dealing with it. In this article, you will learn ways that […]
How meditation can help when going through changes

Many believe success in meditation means to be able to stop the mind completely and replace the wandering thoughts with a peace of mind. As a consequence, someone may feel discouraged if they experience thinking or anything else but a calm mind. What is meditation and how can it help us deal with the changes […]
Why being enough is the true meaning of life

Many people sometimes feel that they are not enough. I am not an exception. There are days when I feel I could do better, I could say something better or not doing anything at all would have been the best option. Why? Why are people so strict with themselves? Why put unnecessary pressure for different […]
7 Simple Ways to Gain Peace in Life

There’s no doubt that peace is very important in life. It can help you feel happier and more relaxed, and it can also improve your overall health. There are many ways that you can achieve peace in your life. Some of them are simple things that you can do daily, while others require a bit […]
Mind-Body Connection: how one affects the other

Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our complete biological functioning. Our minds can actually affect how healthy our bodies are. On the other hand, what we do with our physical body (what we eat, how much we exercise and even our posture) can impact our mental state (positively or negatively). […]
A psychological view of karma – part 3: Mental states

As we saw in A psychological view of karma (part 2), karma – which literally means ‘action’, but refers specifically to an intention or mental action – influences our life by creating mental tendencies that will affect the way we experience our life in the future. For example, if I act out of greed, in […]
Peace of mind is expensive

How much do you need to pay for peace of mind? Is it costly? What kind of livelihood can allow you to afford peace of mind? And more importantly, what is your indicator of peace of mind?
Even though everyone is looking for peace of mind, you may never wonder about these questions; indeed, they hide the core answers for peace of mind and, living in balance with yourself, being healthy mentally and physically. They walk together most of the time.
A psychological view of karma – part 1: Karma as volition

Karma is becoming an increasingly popular term in the Western culture and language. However, for those who have not tried to comprehend deeply its meaning yet, this word may bear obscure and extramundane connotations, alluding to the folk belief of a personal retribution law according to the nature of one’s own actions. It is not […]
On laziness and how to overcome it

Laziness is one of the demons that can torment a grown-up. There are different types of laziness and specific ways to overcome each. 1. Confusion – the “I don’t know what to do” type of laziness You often experience fear to make the first step. You want the end result and feel scared to start. Perfectionists […]
How to Add Mindfulness to your Team Meeting?

“Leave people better than you found them.” – Marvin J. Ashton Since I started to meditate, I am striving to add meditation everywhere I go. Family, friends’ gatherings, NGO world, language classes, events for young adults and now in a company. Company, based in a small Lithuanian town (Panevezys), gathers a team of 83 people, […]