Alignment Within: How Meditation Helped Me Overcome My Fear

Meditation is a true gift. A gift from yourself to your mind, body and soul. My life has improved in so many ways since I started making daily meditation a part of my life. I can truly say I have felt a shift, and I am so thankful for it. I was also recently able to […]

On laziness and how to overcome it

Laziness is one of the demons that can torment a grown-up. There are different types of laziness and specific ways to overcome each. 1. Confusion – the “I don’t know what to do” type of laziness You often experience fear to make the first step. You want the end result and feel scared to start. Perfectionists […]

Developing a Healthy Mindset Toward Sleep

healthy mindset towards sleep

Not everyone feels like sleeping is useful to them – many see it as a negative. The fact that most of us need a solid 7-8 hours of sleep to function at our best is a reality; fighting against it is losing a battle. A healthy mindset toward sleep is necessary to adopt appropriate practices to […]

A story – about past, present, future

Are you here and now, present? If so, that must mean that you feel at peace with your past, and also that you do not live expecting from the future, with fear. Let’s reflect on those three, what are their immediate meanings? Think about your past; what is your history? And what does it mean […]

The Energy In Your Household

As I continue to learn from and absorb the signs from the universe, there are some lessons that I’ve taken to heart along the way. For example, coming from a big family and being an observer by nature, I’ve developed an ironic knack in observing the energy we all grow up with; ironic due in […]

Have you ever wondered about evolution?

Have you ever wondered about evolution? If after reading this, you find yourself reflecting and thinking. Good. – As science says, from the beginning of existence, evolution drove the evolving of all sentient and non-sentient beings up to nowadays, where we humans, can develop a high level of consciousness about ourselves. Furthermore, due to that, […]

How to embrace your fears?

Most of us come to the point in our lives when we need to face our fears.  Even though some may not feel comfortable with that, it is actually a good thing, TO FEAR. Why? Because it is an indication that there is something greater or bigger than us. No matter how overwhelming it may […]

This Is Not the Headspace I want to Embrace

Back in the days, being old enough to say that, I was a Star Trek fan. As a child of the 80’s, I was quickly enamoured when I saw the Enterprise D for the first time. Watching it with my older brother Jon in our parents’ house, if I remember correctly, I was probably eating […]

How The Universe Reaches Out To You

In learning and exploring philosophies like ‘new thought,’ it’s great to discover how much is already aligned with my belief system. And whether it’s personal or faith based, or just living and experiencing life and people around you; it takes a keen eye but an open heart to really listen to what the universe is […]

Be The Energy You Want To Attract

There have been times throughout my life when I’ve been asked why I am always in a good mood. I usually smile and first say not to equate being hyper or energetic with being happy. Naturally it got me thinking about the good and the bad in people’s lives, which – depending on your environment […]