A psychological view of karma – part 3: Mental states
As we saw in A psychological view of karma (part 2), karma – which literally means ‘action’, but refers specifically to an intention or mental action – influences our life by creating mental tendencies that will affect the way we experience our life in the future. For example, if I act out of greed, in […]
A psychological view of karma – part 2: Karmic effects
As explained in a psychological view of karma (part 1), the Buddhist understanding of karmic actions entails some sort of intention. Therefore, as frequently misunderstood, our karma has more to do with the consequence of our past intentions than the result of our past deeds. But what about our karmic ‘effects’? Can an intention make us […]
What is ‘consciousness’? A question that will challenge your worldview
“Consciousness is the biggest mystery. It might be the largest outstanding obstacle in our quest for a scientific understanding of the universe.” David Chalmers Consciousness is one of the most familiar and at the same time one of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe. We are all familiarized with consciousness. Every day, when we […]
Have you ever wondered about evolution?
Have you ever wondered about evolution? If after reading this, you find yourself reflecting and thinking. Good. – As science says, from the beginning of existence, evolution drove the evolving of all sentient and non-sentient beings up to nowadays, where we humans, can develop a high level of consciousness about ourselves. Furthermore, due to that, […]
Going back to the roots is finding the meaning
Chasing appearances is moving away from the origin, from the meaning At the time of inner discovery, appearances are transcended. If we call truth to the changes that seem to occur in the superfluous world, this will only be due to our mental bias or confusion. When the mind exists unperturbed on the road, nothing […]
The Cruciality of Mindfulness
If you’re active in mental health spaces, it’s likely that you’ve heard of the term “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is a great skill for anyone to learn if they’re looking to improve their mental health, reduce their stress levels, and increase their sense of clarity. It’s often taught as a skill in therapeutic settings such as individual […]
The importance of mastering our attention
Ask yourself for a moment: What is the usual focus of your attention? Are you able to direct your attention towards whatever you want? How many times in a day are you looking for distractions and avoid being in the present moment? Do you feel that you are spending more energy in trying to change […]
I Won´t Lose My Grasping – Note From Consciousness
On staying sane in times of change. Part II. (part I here) If there is one thing in which different philosophies, worldviews, spiritual systems, and cosmologies coincide regarding reality is that change is the only certainty in this world. Impermanence – name it in eastern philosophies, change – in other places. However you understand this, […]
Decision-making Easier with Meditation
Buddha was asked what he had gained from meditation. His answer was: “Nothing! However, let me tell you what I have lost: anxiety, anger, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and death.”
Lesson 2: Receive “the Present” of Each Day
We heard a lot in conferences, quotes, Facebook images that we have to enjoy each day, but from my experience actually doing it is quite difficult. As my master LP John from Peace Revolution said: “Is easy, if you make it easy.”