Ode à la paix: le cheminement vers soi
Il parait que la paix est comme le bonheur : un peu trop fugace mais moins téméraire !
Plus durable, diront certains…
I Find Peace Like This
Il parait que la paix est comme le bonheur : un peu trop fugace mais moins téméraire !
Plus durable, diront certains…
Je suis curieuse de savoir comment les choses que nous connaissons aujourd’hui, seraient-elles si on ne nous les avait pas décrites à l’avance.. Je me demande que serait le monde, si chacun de nous avait la liberté de suivre sa propre voie, d’être ce qu’il est sans pression sociale ou jugement, est ce qu’on choisirait l’université, le travail, le mariage ?
What if I told you that the world could be at peace?
What if I told you that all these suffering in the world has an end.
What if I told you that people can learn to forgive each other and appreciate the goodness that exists within them?
One year ago I was a totally different person, who was easily affected by her environment. I let myself absorb everything that was surrounding me, both the bad and the good. And I kept telling myself that it was all that makes us Human until I discovered meditation and started to meditate. I can say that it has literally saved my life!
Las técnicas meditativas orientales cautivan por igual tanto a científicos, neurólogos y psiquiatras; niños, jóvenes y adultos; ateos y teístas. La vista buena de la ciencia hacia la meditación que está redefiniendo el estilo de vida occidental. En argentina existe una ONG internacional que se encarga de difundir gratuitamente los conocimientos sobre meditación, organizar retiros y dar becas en destinos como Tailandia, Guatemala y Perú.
From 23 to 28 of February Peace Revolution held a #meditationweek on Facebook and Instagram. Each day was dedicated to a new topic connected to meditation, and the participants were asked to share their photos and thoughts on the topic.
Today we are proud to announce the winners of the #meditationweek and to share their insights with our readers.
On 1-7 of March 2016, World Peace Initiative held APU Empowerment camp for the students of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University from Beppu, Japan. There were 17 participants from 10 countries of the region, and all of them have learnt from the experience, enjoyed it in their own way and became a great team of peace builders.
People who are involved in solving different social issues in their communities, who are being engaged in helping professions rely on their compassion, empathy and ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. This is a remarkable personality trait, but often we forget to be self-aware when being emphatic.
There is one simple exercise which I like to do on workshops: I ask participants to write kind wishes for themselves and others from the group. In most of the cases what usually happens is that people forget to write wishes for themselves, or they “leave them behind”, until the end of exercise and then write something quickly as possible without much thinking.
A few years ago when I got familiar with meditation I didn’t know where it would take me. I had no expectations and no set goals with it. Meditation took me to a journey on which I have discovered how powerful my mind was and how I let it control me not in a nice way for quite some time. Now, finally, I’m working towards being more friendly with my thoughts, emotions and most of all my inner self.