4 Ways You Can Use Inner Peace for Sustainability

Inner Peace is the first step towards sustainabiltiy

Climate change is rapidly becoming a big problem of our time. It creates and exposes vast inequalities, and it also threatens the delicate physical conditions needed for life to flourish. For peace and harmony to thrive on Earth, we must address the impact we’re having on the only home we’ve ever known. But how? Climate […]

Cómo cultivar el mindfulness

Minfulness se ha convertido un término de moda de un tiempo a esta parte. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones se malinterpreta y desconoce su verdadero significado, más aún cuando se aplica en el contexto de la meditación. Hay estados mentales, sensaciones o sentimientos que en ocasiones son difíciles de describir, y que algunas lenguas han […]

Peace Revolution Visits Guyana

This inevitable human growth comes with a certain turmoil: as children, we are ignorant to the outside world, we are unaware of what the working world is like, what paying bills are like and what the everyday decision making brings with it. As we advance from childhood to adulthood, we have a more precise view of […]

KereKere, Happiness Is Simple

If someone asked you  “Are you happy?”, what would you say? Is it easy or difficult to answer if you are happy? Happiness in Fiji If you lived in Fiji, there is an almost nine-times-out-of-ten chance that you would say ‘yes!’. According to WIN-Gallup, 92% of Fijians report they are happy, making Fiji one of the happiest […]

Catch The Good Waves In Life

When talking about waves, the first thing that comes to my mind is the ocean. Surfers catch them one after the other and get a short but intense rush after experiencing each ride. They travel the world looking for the best waves that oceans can offer, and take a couple of minutes to enjoy that […]

5 Hacks for a Happy Life

When was the last time you observed the beauty of the tree next to your house? Or plants in your lawn with those lovely colours and incredible flowers? Or how long has it been when you watched the sunrise or sunset with a cup of tea without any stress or tension about what you need to […]

Tips for a More Mindful Pregnancy

There’s a saying that giving birth is the most creative aspect of life. By giving birth, people create new beings and that is undoubtedly one of the greatest and hardest decisions one can make. Women have been involved in pregnancy since the beginning of life. In the past, it was simply one of the jobs […]

10 Life Improvement Secrets That Actually Work

Growing up and facing the reality of becoming an adult might be overwhelming for some of us. It seems like all the everyday life hardships affect our life quality and we cannot do anything to change this. The good news is: we can improve our well-being and our lives. No need to do something magical, […]

How Meditation Can Change Your Brain

You know meditation is good for you, but did you know that it actually changes the brain in positive ways? Meditation is increasingly being used to overcome addiction because addiction itself is a negative changing of the brain, a chemical addiction. If meditation can alter the brain for the positive, addiction therapy can include more […]

A Few Questions To Help You Care For Your Mind

Inner Peace Time

Our human elements need maintenance. Meditation theory understands that we, as human beings, are composed of body and mind that relate to each other as the hardware and software do in the computer.  And we know that if we don´t pay much attention to any of those elements, illnesses arise and our decaying process speeds up. Our body needs […]