
5 Tips For Mindful Eating

Mindfulness is a state of mind that helps you focus on the present without being judgmental. You do not necessarily have to cut down on your food intake to lose those pounds as you can adjust your mindset by training your mind to be consciously aware of every bite that you take. Often we are not aware of what we munch and nibble on throughout the day casually in office, or while dropping your child to school. Your body continuously gives you cues as to when you are hungry and you need to decode your body’s feedback accurately so that you do not misinterpret them and indulge in impulsive eating. Just like a good night’s sleep is important for your child similarly eating mindfully can help you take care of your health.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Day

How to Make the Most Out of Your Day

Don’t you just love those days when you feel like you have grown wings and you are hopping around between different tasks, having perfect concentration and completing everything in no time? And you don’t just stop when you get off from work, but continue finishing the month’s long To Do list of your household chores, doing exercise and being excited and happy?

How can you make each day of your life be this lively and energetic?