How to get out the most of Tony Robbins Event

Attending Tony Robbins’ event had been a dream of mine for quite some time. My wish to do that was so strong that I finally manifested it in 2019. Prior to the event, I had a lot of expectations, but I kept telling myself: Nesreen, you are a regular meditator and you know what it […]

10 Things Your Brain Needs to Build a Healthy and Successful Career

Our small habits can make a significant impact on how we show up at our jobs. If you are like most people, you might not know about your own brain. Yet, your brain is who you are. It is the size of your fist, weighs about as much as a cantaloupe around three pounds and is […]

On laziness and how to overcome it

Laziness is one of the demons that can torment a grown-up. There are different types of laziness and specific ways to overcome each. 1. Confusion – the “I don’t know what to do” type of laziness You often experience fear to make the first step. You want the end result and feel scared to start. Perfectionists […]

4 Fun Activities That Can Help Boost Your Focus

It is impossible to be focused all of the time, and as humans, we are expected to lose our concentration from time to time. All you can do is learn how to expand the amount of time you spend focusing on a task, as well as how to refocus once you have lost your concentration. […]

5 ways meditation increases your productivity

Meditation is both a skill and an art. It has been proved to create new neuro connections and pathways in a person’s brain. All these new ways of thinking or looking at the world are being reflected in particular behaviors. You are capable of achieving more in less time; learning how to master focus and […]

Tips for Job Satisfaction: LOVE what you DO

All of us would like to be happy and successful in our job. But very few people love what they do, and this is the reason why they cannot find happiness at work and tend to complain about their job. This article will help you understand the difference between LOVE what you DO vs DO […]

Habits to boost your brain activity and performance

Focus, productivity, and success are what keep ourselves motivated and can boost our brain activity and performance. Anyone can develop excellency, and there are things you can practice to awaken your inner genius. Here is what you can do to keep your brain active, sharp and positive: 1) Upon waking up, remember your dreams. A person […]

The Cruciality of Mindfulness

If you’re active in mental health spaces, it’s likely that you’ve heard of the term “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is a great skill for anyone to learn if they’re looking to improve their mental health, reduce their stress levels, and increase their sense of clarity. It’s often taught as a skill in therapeutic settings such as individual […]

How to stop checking your phone and build focus?

According a study, an average person checks their phone over 150 times a day. Have you thought about how this habit of constantly spending time on digital devices costs your fortune and keeps you away from success? Anyone who ever made it into the hall of fame spent great chunks of time away from distractions, […]

The importance of mastering our attention

Ask yourself for a moment: What is the usual focus of your attention? Are you able to direct your attention towards whatever you want? How many times in a day are you looking for distractions and avoid being in the present moment? Do you feel that you are spending more energy in trying to change […]