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Is Plato Riding the London Tube?

I’ve lived in London for two years. Since the very first moment I arrived, I knew I would always love this city. In the enormity of London we can find everything we could have ever imagined, and more. We can meet amazing people we would never imagine that would exist and live the most interesting experiences, those that shake our brains and make our hearts vibrate.

Me in Mexico

Lesson 4: Want, Work and Relax

The monks will tell you that it is necessary to grow out of being a slave of your desires. They eat for the sole purpose of feeding their bodies. And that’s right for them, because they choose to live happily with that premise. For other people who are not monks, desires are part of our essence. And it is by learning to control them that we can enjoy them in a mindful way.

bolas de sabão

Mude suas palavras, mude sua vida. Prospere em 2015 com a mudança de hábitos antigos

Mude suas palavras, mude sua vida!

A linguagem molda o nosso comportamento e cada palavra que usamos está imbuído no significado pessoal. As palavras certas ditas da maneira correta pode nos trazer amor, dinheiro e respeito, enquanto as palavras erradas ou mesmo as palavras certas falada no caminho errado pode levar a um país em guerra. Devemos cuidadosamente orquestrar o nosso discurso, se quisermos alcançar nossos objetivos e trazer os nossos sonhos para a realidade.

Meditation retreat Mooktawan Thailand

Meditation: the Ancient Medicine of the Future

It’s certainly not a coincidence that both the words ‘medicine’ and ‘meditation’ come from the same etymological root: the Greek prefix “med”, which alludes to a medium point in between two opposites or, in other words, to that subtle state of balance we hear so much about in health blogs and yoga lessons but rarely get the chance to truly interiorize.  In this brief post I’ll share my experience of meditation as the most effective, universal and low-cost medicine I have ever tried.