The Energy In Your Household
As I continue to learn from and absorb the signs from the universe, there are some lessons that I’ve taken to heart along the way. For example, coming from a big family and being an observer by nature, I’ve developed an ironic knack in observing the energy we all grow up with; ironic due in […]
The Inner-Work of Positive Affirmations
“I Am Safe” but “Am I Really?” Positive affirmations are not about suppressing reality nor about using a mask to cover up what’s “really underneath”- on the contrary, positive affirmations are powerful assertions that are meant to open up a dialogue with the experience of embodying the ancestral and everlasting universal question of Who Am […]
How to Maintain a Positive Attitude to Life When Facing Hard Times
Everyone faces a wide range of ups and downs during the lifetime journey. Along with career failures, a broken heart, or just one more lousy day, we get stressed and disappointed. But why some of us can stay optimistic when facing a hard time, while others give up and can’t find any motivation on the way […]
How to Develop a Positive Mindset?
Changing a negative attitude is a challenge. This attitude keeps people from being happy and also impacts the people you are interacting with, but being positive has a direct connection with success and happiness. Everyone needs to be positive in their mindset and make some small adjustments in daily life to achieve the change. It […]
عشرة طرق للإيجابية في بيئة العمل
صباح الخير عليكم جميعًا، ونتمنى لكم يوم عمل جديد مليء بالإيجابية! قد لا تتفقوا معنا في هذا، ولكن يعتبر مكان العمل هو أكثر الأماكن التي نقضي بها الوقت بعد المنزل، حيث نقضي في المتوسط حوالي 8 ساعات في العمل وأحيانًا أكثر من ذلك لذلك، لابد وأن نشعر بالإيجابية في بيئة العمل حتى نستطيع أن تصبح […]
Experiencing Positive Through the Negative
Like peanut butter and dark chocolate, Jersey and traffic are as common a pairing. Hardly as delicious as the former, the latter sometimes lends itself to getting one’s creative gears going. With the right song and head-space, you can easily find yourself at your destination before you know it! One song that was recently on […]
NLP and personal development: steps to get what you want
Pessimistic people can have tunnel vision as they tend to focus on one thing, often the problem. Optimism allows the brain to take in more information and process more of your environment. Knowing the basics of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) creates an excellent basis for personal development making it easier for people to change their thoughts […]
Be The Energy You Want To Attract
There have been times throughout my life when I’ve been asked why I am always in a good mood. I usually smile and first say not to equate being hyper or energetic with being happy. Naturally it got me thinking about the good and the bad in people’s lives, which – depending on your environment […]
Destiny’s Energy: Where Does It Guide Us?
You sometimes have to really think about how nuanced and complicated the human condition is, and how destiny guides us whether we recognize it or not. We are capable of such an amazing beauty and wonder; sadly it is in a world that does not always embrace the positive energy we all have within us. […]
Keep Calm and Be Happy
I have always been a very vehement person. That’s why I turn normal conversations into arguments very often. In my mind I’m not arguing, of course. Let’s say that I’m just expressing my thoughts in a very passionate way… And if I don’t have a personal opinion to state, then I enjoy contradicting people’s opinions […]