How to Practise Loving-kindness Meditation
Loving-kindness meditation is a practice helping us develop the habit of selflessness or altruistic love. When practising loving-kindness meditation, one supports the mind in becoming free of pain and suffering. With practice, you will experience positive attitudinal changes. Ready to start?
Meditation for Acceptance
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” Lao Tzu
What I Learnt from a Cockroach
And then, as I am standing in the rain, hearing thunder and seeing lightning, I cannot believe the absurdity – a giant cockroach has kicked me out of the apartment.
Meditation and Anger Management
If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape one hundred days of sorrow. Chinese Proverb When do you usually get angry? Is it when things don’t go as expected? What if you had no previous expectations? Could this be a possibility? Does getting angry change the situation in any way?
Is Plato Riding the London Tube?
I’ve lived in London for two years. Since the very first moment I arrived, I knew I would always love this city. In the enormity of London we can find everything we could have ever imagined, and more. We can meet amazing people we would never imagine that would exist and live the most interesting […]
Dear BLANK (My Sabai Mooktawan Poem)
Show your empathy to my frustration Calm down my playful mind Kiss your compassion over my heart Balance the peace in this seeking soul. This Sabai is not mine alone, Help me share happiness with the world My every heartbeat can generate love The dream that is not mine alone. I never cared more for […]
Five Lessons to Enjoy Your Life
Since I was a child I have always had the biggest dreams. I remember drawing dinosaurs and creating stories during class. It as all about a group of adventurers discovering new worlds. Our ship transformed into a submarine and allowed us to find new creatures.
MENA Youth, it’s time for a New Revolution, a Peace Revolution
The PEACE REVOLUTION MENA Salam Fellowship will take place in Turkey, 13-17 March 2015. The leitmotif of this second edition? MENA Salam Fellowship: Towards a New Peaceful Coexistence. 40 young leaders from Middle East and North Africa will gather to inspire each other and exchange best practices on building a sustainable peaceful coexistence in the […]
Meditação: Ser ou Estar No Momento Presente?
A vida vai se enriquecendo com momentos, com alegrias, com amor, com felicidade … quanto mais momentos de felicidade e de amor mais ricos somos… até descobrirmos que essa riqueza já faz parte de nós permanentemente. É a nossa natureza.
Africa, in Building Peace We Come as One
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has,” reckons Margaret Mead. The Amani Revolution Tour is the living proof of Mead’s belief. Between the 28th of March and the 30th of April, young leaders from six African countries came together, […]