A Powerful Way to Practice Mindfulness in Everyday Life
7 Simple Ways to Gain Peace in Life
10 Things Your Brain Needs to Build a Healthy and Successful Career
3 Ways to Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle
How Exercise Can Train Your Brain to Be More Positive
Easing Lower Back Pain with Yoga and Healthy Habits
Did you know that you can practice Yoga online for free?
Have you been thinking about regular yoga exercise but did not know where to start? We always recommend to start with the teacher first, but if in some case live classes are absolutely out of your reach (you live in on top of a hill or you work 12 hours a day), then we encourage you to try online. Starting a yoga practice of just 10-20 minutes a day can bring about a lot of beautiful changes to your life, so get ready.
4 Best Exercise Routines You Must Follow To Reduce Back Pain
Back pain is among the top pains in the world today. A study done in the United Kingdom has, for example, showed that back pains are among the leading forces behind job absenteeism. In a similar pace, it has been predicted that most Americans will suffer back pains at one point in their lives.
Mindfulness exercises you can do every day
Although Mindfulness has become really popular in the last years, the word may still seem a bit abstract and confusing for some people. Often it sounds like it is some kind of challenging practice just for the chosen ones.