What would you do if you witness an act of violence?
How Human Rights Contribute to Peace
Can We Train Our Brain for More Empathy and Compassion?
Aimer.. Pour la paix !
Je danse autour de mon cœur…
Je médite mes mots…
Ce cœur qui bat…
Ce regard qui se pose sur la vie,
Relieve chronic pain with meditation
“I am in pain! It hurts so much I cannot get up in the morning, I cannot live a normal life”, you may hear this on a daily basis as more than one person out of ten is constantly experiencing chronic pain (this is if we generalise based on the research made by National Institutes of Health in the USA, and assume the rest of the world’s population is in the similar pain conditions).
The Importance of Balance between Empathy and Self-awareness
People who are involved in solving different social issues in their communities, who are being engaged in helping professions rely on their compassion, empathy and ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. This is a remarkable personality trait, but often we forget to be self-aware when being emphatic.
Meditation Increased My Awareness
I have always been a person who cares about others’ issues. I may be more sensitive than the average, but the truth is that it affects me to see others suffer. And I’m not talking about problems affecting just my beloved ones. I actually care about what happens also to people that I don’t know at all.
Indra’s Net: Recognizing our Interdependence
Indra’s net, in Hinduism and Buddhism, is a metaphor used to illustrate the philosophy of interdependence. The image associated with it is beautiful! A net where every node is a jewel (diamonds) representing life, and each jewel reflects all the others.
Learning the Real Needs of People in Life
I was born in the 80s. That generation who grew up at the same time that communication technology was developing at full speed. As we were getting older, new computers, music-players and phones were successfully launched on the market every day.