6 meditation lessons for a peaceful life, reflections from Amani Fellowship

I discovered meditation in 2016 thanks to the Peace Revolution Self-Development program. Since then, I have learned to really appreciate its value. Today, I wanted to share with you a few lessons learned during the AMANI 4 fellowship in Himawan Sanctuary (Thailand), that can be transferred to our everyday life: 1- A holistic approach is […]

The Art of Silence – The Sound of Awakening

It’s still on my mind, the sound of the bell in Himawan sanctuary (where I joined a meditation training) around the dining room at two places: the first one – in between the dining room and rest room, the other one – in front of the dining room, the place where I loved to sit […]

Befriend isolation in the challenging times of Covid-19

“Don’t try to calm the storm. Calm yourself. The storm will pass.” ~Buddha Facts and how to turn this challenge into an opportunity The year 2020 came with a challenge of unprecedented scale: Covid-19. We are often looking outside, seeking safety on the outside: in the government, authorities, medical establishments. However, rich or developing countries […]

Meditation and thoughts

I have coached over 2000 people determined to commit to developing themselves with the help of meditation. For someone who is new to meditation and not only, one of the most common beliefs is that when one meditates, there will be absolute freedom from thoughts. That thoughts will stop completely and often the definition of […]

Practice forgiveness to experience less procrastination

When going through a process of self-reflection, I am looking at something I’ve faced before – the procrastination existing in my life. Can you relate to that? I am sitting at my desk and methodically going though what is holding me back at different stages in life and inevitably leading to procrastination. It’s the: lack […]

How I learned to design my thoughts

Meditation and design are creative tools to invent yourself “I just got an idea! A great idea! Wow! What a sensational idea! I think I’ll be very successful with this idea!” In the field of ​​design, and, well, I’m an industrial designer, we know this situation as the “Love Syndrome at First Idea”. It is a […]

The Inner-Work of Positive Affirmations

“I Am Safe” but “Am I Really?” Positive affirmations are not about suppressing reality nor about using a mask to cover up what’s “really underneath”- on the contrary, positive affirmations are powerful assertions that are meant to open up a dialogue with the experience of embodying the ancestral and everlasting universal question of Who Am […]

Learning to Live Your Best Life as a Highly Sensitive Person

Being highly sensitive can bring with it a number of challenges. For example, many sensitive people find it hard being around others when they are eating because of the noise they make. This can mean that they often feel isolated or sad. Being highly sensitive can also have advantages. If you are able to manage […]

Going back to the roots is finding the meaning

Chasing appearances is moving away from the origin, from the meaning At the time of inner discovery, appearances are transcended. If we call truth to the changes that seem to occur in the superfluous world, this will only be due to our mental bias or confusion. When the mind exists unperturbed on the road, nothing […]

The gifts do not exist

What is a gift? Is anyone born with a gift? Does the gift exist? For philosopher Lucien Sève, it doesn’t. I learned about gifts in two moments in my life. First, in my childhood, in a patriarchal and Christian family, I learned that I, by drawing and painting better than my peers, had a gift. […]